Page 16 of Bad Saint

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So why did he?

When he turns slowly, privy to me eavesdropping, I suddenly know why. He did it to teach me a lesson…just how he’s going to once again.

I scuttle down the stairs, attempting to run to safety, but it’s too late. Saint charges after me, gripping my forearm to stop me from going anywhere. His golden flesh is now a bright red, his huge body dwarfing mine. His chest rises and falls, his heavy breathing deafening.

“You never fucking listen!” he roars, hurling me toward him.

“Let me go!” I shout, attempting to pry myself free.

“A thank you would be nice.”

“Thank you?” I scoff, my temper exploding. “You sold me for two thousand dollars to some…pirate! There is no way I’m thanking you. Not to mention you kidnapped me! I hate you!” I stand on tippy toes, not intimated as I invade his personal space. “You better kill me now because that’s the only way yourbosswill have me.”

Oh, shit. In my moment of anger, I didn’t consider the impact of my words. But it’s too late.

“You will obey me.”

“Fuck you. Obey this!” I raise my knee in an attempt to connect with his balls, but he’s too fast, and suddenly, things turn ominous. At this moment, he scares me.

A menacing growl gets trapped in his throat before he tosses me onto the seat and comes charging over. The wind gets ripped from my sails, but I don’t have time to get up because, before I know what’s happening, he’s dragged me over his lap and is yanking down my shorts.

My cheeks burst into flames as he exposes my bare ass, but what he does next puts my bashfulness to shame.

He spanks me.

It takes me a moment to register just what the hell he’s doing, and when I do, that’s when the pain kicks in.

“You bastard!” I scream, kicking and screaming. But he has a firm hold on me and strikes me once again.

My eyes bulge from my head as I shift upward from the force. I don’t know what to think. I am furious, but more than anything, I’m mortified. I’ve never been spanked before. This is new territory because with the blood whizzing through my ears and the adrenaline burning my tongue, it doesn’t hurt…it feels good.

I am ashamed and instantly shake such perverse thoughts from my brain.

“You sick asshole. Is this getting you off?”


“I hate you!”


Each defiance results in my ass getting slapped, and each strike stokes something primeval. Between each slap, Saint rubs me gently, soothing the burn with a tender touch of his strong, calloused hand.


“Fuck you.”


“You will break, ?????.”

“Never,” I rebel, bracing myself for the onslaught, followed by the softness.


It should bother me that my ass is bared to Saint, but it doesn’t. And I need to figure out why.

“You will, soon enough.” It’s a promise, one filled with so many questions…and I have a sneaking suspicion the answers lie with Boss, whoever he is.
