Page 38 of Bad Saint

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I gasp, stunned by his candor.

“Let me go,” I whimper. Even though I know the answer, I still have to try. “Please.”

The air is crackling with a live current, and when Saint rubs his thumb over my lower lip, everything around us detonates. My heart is thrashing wildly. I’m on my knees, peering up at my captor, unsure what this gentle touch means.

“Don’t ask things you know the answer to,” he softly replies.

“I’ll never stop asking that, regardless if I know the answer.”

I’m toeing a very dangerous line, but something is different in the way his thumb seems mesmerized by my lip. His eyes focus on my mouth as he caresses up and down. This is new. Up until now, his touch has never been filled with…hunger.

Another hunger smashes into me then—the one of the woman who Saint was buried in—and I instantly turn my cheek, averting my gaze. I don’t want him touching me after his hands and other parts have stroked her.

“Tonight, we board a new boat,” he reveals while I hold my breath. “I have a few things to take care of today, but I’ll be back when it’s dark.”

“Can I go upstairs?” I ask even though it’s in vain.

Saint sighs. “No, you can’t. It’s too risky.”

“Risky for whom?” I challenge.

He takes his time to reply. “For the both of us.”

There is no point in arguing.

The air is thick as I await his next move. “Behave, A????. I’ll be back later.”

I refrain from saluting him and simply nod.

I’m expecting him to leave, but he surprises me once again when he brushes the hair from my cheeks so he can see me. My eyes are still lowered, but I can feel him examine every inch of my face. He runs his thumb over the apple of my cheek while I dare not breathe.

Eventually, he retreats and leaves me alone to question what the hell is going on. Once the hatch closes, I bow forward and take three calming breaths, though it does nothing to settle my frantic heart.

I feel like I’m on a merry-go-round as the world is spinning, but I want to get off. I want to forget Saint’s gentle touches because each act of kindness shakes everything up beyond repair.

I don’t know what’s worse—Saint’s punishment or Saint’s rewards. His bipolar behavior leaves me constantly questioning which version I’ll get, and honestly, I don’t know which I like best.

When the room stops turning, I slowly come to a stand. I have all day to kill as I’m once again confined to my cage. I decide to shower and then sit by the window and watch the world pass me by.

As I undress, my gaze floats to the wall in which Saint used as his makeshift fucking post. I cringe as I hate the term as well as what he did. I know he did it to teach me a lesson, to display that my fate is in his hands, and in the end, he will always win.

He broke me, didn’t he? I ended up speaking.

He tried to be “nice,” but when that didn’t work, he resorted to measures he knew were out of my comfort zone. He’s aware that I’m a virgin, and seeing him screw someone else was a sure way for me to break.

The sound of his flesh pressed against hers assaults me, and I instantly shake my head to dispel such wickedness. I need to focus on other matters—like escaping, and this time…nothing and no one will stand in my way.

It’s dark out—a sight I’ve craved all day.

I spent my time devising ways I can make a run for it tonight, but sadly, I don’t even know what I’m walking into. I will have to use my smarts and think on my toes because I know my window of opportunity will be small.

Most of the vendors have gone for the day, but a few fishermen are still working on their boats. I don’t speak their language, so I can only hope me running for my life while screaming for help is understood universally.

When the hatch opens, I know it’s now or never.

I watch as Saint descends the stairs, arching a brow when I notice a brown robe in his hand. “Here, put this on,” he orders, offering me the garment. The material feels soft and light. When I unravel it, I see that it will cover me from head to toe.

I feel awful putting this on, as I’m probably offending many by wearing something which is sacred to certain religions, but I knew Saint wouldn’t allow me to roam the streets exposed. I’m wearing shorts and a tank, so I quickly slip into the oversized robe and place the niqab over my head. I adjust it so the only part of me showing is my eyes.

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