Page 39 of Forever My Saint

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There is no need for me to elaborate on what that everything entails. Alek is my last bargaining chip, and I am prepared to put all my cards on the table if it’ll save Saint.

Oscar sighs deeply. “Oh, lamb, it’s too late now. If only you’d been so forthcoming sooner, none of this would have happened.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means we had to get creative.” When I scrunch up my nose, he explains. “There was always a plan B.”

Of course, there was. Didn’t we?

Pavel knew this plan wasn’t foolproof, but we’ve just been thrown a curveball because we’ve been played.

“And what was that?” I humor him, hoping any information I get will help us.

“This was always, always,” he says with a firm wave of his hand, “about finding Alek and—”

“And making us pay.” I fill in the blanks, but I need clarification.

“Yes, and if we got the name of the supplier, then that was a bonus.”

“I can still give you that.” Measuring my breathing, I add, “I can still give you both.”

“As I said, it’s too late now.” His eyes are alight as he shares, “I have a business meeting in”—he peers down at his Rolex—“an hour.”

I’m a mixed bag of emotions right now. I could tell him where Alek is, but what will that achieve? Our plan B is now void.

“Turn that frown upside down,” he mocks while I take a step toward him, ready to slap that smug grin from his cheeks. “You’re going home. Isn’t that what you always wanted? Of course, if in fact youdoknow where Alek is, then Saint’s sacrifice was all for nothing, wasn’t it? You’re protecting Alek for a reason; therefore, I can’t see you leaving for Tinseltown anytime soon.”

He’s right. Saint handed himself to the devil in vain.If only he hadn’t drugged me, things could have been so different. Or would they have been? We underestimated Oscar and Astra, and their need for revenge.

“I have some handymen coming today,” he says, indicating this conversation is done. “So don’t worry if you hear noise. The gardens are looking a little worse for wear seeing as it’s so cold. I’ll also have to make some changes to my bedroom.”

What he says next is my undoing. “I can’t have my lover downstairs, chained up like a dog. However, I thought a nice cage in the corner of the room would be suitable. He is a wild beast after all.”

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

But it doesn’t help. Nothing will.

“I can see why you like him,” he taunts, licking his bottom lip, staring me down. “He split open like a ripened cherry.”


My body vibrates, and something malevolent overcomes me. Every time I think I know what true fury feels like, this motherfucker has to go and open his mouth. With rage coursing through me, I balance my weight, and just as Saint taught me, I punch this vile animal in the face.

His chin snaps back with a crack, and a winded gasp leaves him as the fact I can pack a punch clearly stuns him. I don’t give him time to recover before I strike him again. Saint’s drills come back to haunt me.

“Jab to the body! Jab to the head! Then body!”

And I do.

The satisfaction I feel when I see him bleed is like the world’s most potent drug, and just when I’m about to take my next hit, my happy high fades. Oscar gathers his bearings and sucker punches me in the stomach. I drop to the floor, gasping for air, but that doesn’t stop me because vengeance is the only thing that matters.

I attempt to rise, only for Oscar to knee me in the nose. The carpet breaks my fall as I land on my back. But the blood pouring from my face will not deter me.

Reaching out, I grip his ankle and attempt to yank his feet out from under him. He has the advantage, seeing as he’s standing over me, and kicks me in the ribs. Who knew Italian leather could inflict so much pain?

Winded, I clutch my side as I’m certain he’s broken a rib, but the pain is nothing compared to the affliction in my heart. He must pay for what he’s done to Saint. Limply, I clutch at his pant leg, but he just shakes me off.
