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I don’t know why Liam took Shay and killed Aoife, but I’m guessing it’s because he found out that Babydoll wasn’t where she was supposed to be. However, I plan on getting to the bottom of this right now.

I can’t construct a coherent sentence. All I can think about is killing Liam.

Babydoll and I exit my truck, both armed. Alek’s men, as well as mine, are hiding, waiting for my command to storm this house and make those who betrayed me pay. I don’t have a plan. I know I can’t exactly walk up to the front door and knock.

I need a decoy, and that comes in the shape of one Russian drug lord.

Alek casually walks over to where we are, unruffled by what is about to transpire. I try my best to keep cool, but I need blood to be spilled to appease this rage within me.

“I’m sorry about the mother of your child,” he says with a respectful nod. “It happened very quickly, not that that’s any consolation. Before my men had a chance to help, she was already dead. She was strangled.”

A whimper escapes Babydoll.

I don’t make a sound because from what Alek has said, Aoife invited Liam into her home like she knew him. Could it be she was playing double agent? Was she willing to spill it all to get revenge on me? I don’t know anything anymore.

“Thank you for doin’ this,” I say because Alek is the reason I’ll be able to get into Liam’s house.

“I don’t appreciate men who involve innocent children in their games. It’s rather cowardly and displays weakness.”

“Aye, so it is,” I reply, clenching my jaw.

“I will get you inside his home, but the question is, what will happen once you’re in?”

I know he means that if I kill Liam prematurely, I potentially risk fucking everything up. Sean will want to know why, and the shipment of drugs we’re meant to intercept may be stopped. The dealers are expecting Liam, but word of his death will spread, giving his allies cold feet.

I need to keep my temper under control. Or at least, try.

“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try not to rip off his head.”

Alek chuckles, sensing my seriousness. He seems to love bloodshed too.

“Okay, I’ll send word when it’s safe for you to enter.”

I don’t know how, but I’m sure I’ll know it when I see it.

Alek looks at Babydoll, smiling. “No harm will come of your beloved,” he promises. “You remind me so much of my Ella—forever brave and never backing down from a fight.”

“I think I’d like your Ella,” she says lightly.

“I think she’d like you too.”

I don’t know why, but there is mutual respect between us. It was there from the first moment we met. Could it be because we’re not that different?

Alek nods, and without making a fuss, he calmly walks toward Liam’s home. He looks refined and in control with his cane, and this is the first time I’ve gone into a plan with the utmost confidence.

What I can’t be too confident about is that I won’t kill Liam. I know what it means for us if I do, but I am so fucking sick of this.

“It’ll be all right,” Babydoll says, gently touching my shoulder.

Her touch soothes me, as does the ring on her finger.

“I just want to get Shay out of there,” I reply, my eyes never leaving Liam’s front door.

There are men out front to greet Alek, who walks up the drive as though he belongs. After a few moments, they gesture he’s to enter. It doesn’t cross my mind once that Alek would betray me. I trust him, which is a rare thing for me.

It feels like hours as Babydoll and I wait for a signal, something to indicate it’s safe for us to enter, and we see it when the front door opens, and Alek appears.

Babydoll turns to look at me, arching a confused brow. Surely, it can’t be that simple?
