Page 60 of Dirty Dix

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I wonder what she was going to say, but I don’t push. Besides, the way her eyes narrow, I don’t think I want to know.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue. Again,” she says. “You must think I’m pathetic.”

“What?” I gasp, turning into my underground car park. “Why on earth would I think that?”

“Because I’m either falling down, injuring myself, or getting into fights with my stalker ex when you’re around. Or I’m sending you a peace-offering cheesecake and don’t hear from you all week,” she adds in a whisper.

Pulling into my car space, I turn off the car and swivel to face her as I unbuckle my belt. Her hands are nervously twisting in her lap, and she won’t meet my eyes.

“I don’t think you’re pathetic,” I reply firmly.

“Then why haven’t I heard from you?” she questions, raising her eyes to meet mine. “I wanted to apologize for being such an inhospitable host, hence the cheesecake. But then I didn’t hearfrom you, so I thought maybe you didn’t like cheesecake. Or maybe you just don’t like me.” She lowers her eyes once again.

This girl is breaking my resolve with her honesty, and I realize it must be the alcohol talking ’cause this is a side to Madison I’ve never seen. She’s usually a little more guarded with her feelings, so I can’t help but ask.

“For the record, I do like cheesecake…andyou. But hypothetically speaking, if I were not to like either, would that matter?”

Madison raises her eyes and bites her lip. “I would say you were mad for not liking cheesecake. I mean, that’s just crazy talk,” she says with a quiver in her voice.

“And what if I said, hypothetically, of course, that I didn’t like you?” I huskily ask, leaning forward a fraction.

She gulps, and my gaze drops to her heaving chest, which is practically transparent through her white silk camisole that is still damp from the rain. The lace imprint of her cream bra can be clearly seen through the wet material, and my mouth salivates at the sight.

“I-I would be…” she stutters, nervously fidgeting. “I would be terribly upset if you didn’t like me, Dixon,” she whispers, leaning forward, our breaths mingling as one.

“Why?” I ask, matching her tone as I lean closer, my eyes meeting hers.

I suppress my moan as she licks her full bottom lip, her pink tongue doing unimaginable things to my libido.

“Because…I like…being your friend,” she says, which is like a bucket of icy-cold water dousing my heated hormones.

Not allowing my composure to slip, however, I smile. “Well, I like being your friend also.”

Madison smiles half-heartedly, and I can’t stop myself as I reach forward and softly run my knuckle down her cheek,leaving invisible sparks in its wake. “Let’s go inside, you’re shivering.”

She quickly replies, “I’m not cold.”

“You’re shaking,” I say, watching goose pimples cover her upper body.

“Am I?” she asks, focusing on my mouth.

The dense heat in the car is fogging up the windows and my brain, shrouding us from the outside world. Blind to the universe, it feels like it’s only Madison and me, and I can’t stop myself as I lean forward, closing the distance between us. A magnetic pull controls my actions, and I’m powerless to stop it. But who am I to fight nature?

Madison’s breath gets caught in her throat, and just as I lean in further, mere inches separating our lips, she shakes her head and pulls back quickly, her eyes flighty and wide.

“O-Okay, lead the w-way,” she stammers, totally shooting me down.

Taking a deep breath, I nod but hesitate. I suddenly don’t know if going up to my apartment is the best thing to do. And it’s not because of my stupid rule.

It’s because I don’t know how I’ll respond to having Madison in my home. All I can think about is how her soft lips would taste as I press her up against my bedroom wall. I really should have thought about this ingenious planbeforeI was sitting in my apartment’s underground garage.

Manning up, I pull it together and smile. “Follow me.” I exit the car, afraid of what I’m leading us into.

“Would you like a towel?” Dixon asks as he tosses his keys onto the marbled countertop.

Looking down at my soiled, very transparent top, I nod. “Yes, please.” I shyly cross my arms over my chest.

Dixon smiles. “I won’t be a minute. Please make yourself at home.” He disappears down the hallway.
