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Falling For Autumn 2


Kolsondidn’twantto seem too eager to get away from Autumn. He waited until he was away from the library before he began to sprint. He hoped what every she had stuck up her ass tonight was removed before he had to meet with her again.

Kolson’s stomach growled. The protein bar had done little to curb his hunger. He hadn’t eaten since lunch, then worked his ass off at practice. He needed more calories to sustain him, but when he got to the dining hall the doors were already locked.

“Shit,” he mumbled to himself and checked the time. He knew it was going to be impossible to make it, but there hadn’t been another time available for the session. He wanted to pound the door and beg for someone to let him in, but he knew it was useless.

Kolson was here on an athletic scholarship. He was a first-generation college student. The meals were included in his tuition. His single mom did what she could to send him money when she had it, usually if she made extra tips, but he always hated taking it from her and his brother. At least the tutor sessions were only twice a week.

Kolson ransacked his dorm room. As much as he hoped to find something, he came up short. The protein bar he had during the session was his last and he had zero cash to get anything from the vending machine. He flopped back on his bed, and his stomach rumbled, echoing off hollow walls in protest. If he could fall asleep, he might be able to forget about it. He was almost as exhausted as he was hungry after the day he’d had. But the hunger was stronger than his exhaustion.

He turned, ignoring his stomach, there wasn’t anything he could do for it anyway. He flipped again and kicked the covers when they tangled around him. When there was a ping on his phone, he hurried to check it. Not like he was falling asleep anytime soon anyway.

Mackenzie:Wanna come over? I’ll order your favorite pizza. It was punctuated with a heart and happy face emoji.

Kolson had been hooking up with Mackenzie off and on since high school, but he had been meaning to stop. He was worried that her feelings for him were more than he had, and he had been trying to break things off. It wasn’t going to happen tonight since she was offering food and he was starving.

Kolson texted her a quick I’m on my way. Then threw on a hoodie and grabbed his wallet which only contained his student ID and a couple condoms.

One of the new pledges answered when Kolson knocked.

“Hey, Kolson.” She bounced on the balls of her feet and tilted her head. He knew he’d met her before, but couldn’t remember her name. There were several of them this year.

“Hey,” he nodded. Then the girl opened the door wider for him to enter. The place was bright and loud with a lot of different voices as if the girls were always trying to talk over one another. The place smelled like several different scents of perfumes and candles that usually caused him to leave with a slight headache.

“Kenz, Kolson’s here.” The girl shouted over her shoulder.

“Hey.” Makenzie barreled down the stairs. Even though they weren’t technically a couple, she greeted him with a kiss. She was wearing cherry lip gloss and a sweatsuit that showed off her belly button. Her long, blonde hair cascaded past her shoulders in waves.

“Hey,” he replied with his hands on her hips. When she turned to say something to her friend, he wiped the gooey gloss from his mouth with his shoulder.

“Let’s go upstairs.” She took his hand.

“Hi, Kolson,” Jenna, Mackenzie’s best friend, hollered through the house.

“Hi,” Kolson called over his shoulder as Mackenzie dragged him up the stairs.

“Let me know when the pizza gets here, Jenna.” Mackenzie yelled, only adding to the chaos.

As soon as they got to her room, she pulled him inside and shut the door behind them. Mackenzie smiled as she turned toward him, pressing her body against his. All he could think about was the pizza and cookies. Now that they were away from all the different scents downstairs, he noticed Mackenzie smelled like cookies.

He put his hands on her waist. Her skin was smooth against his palms. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth against his. He was too hungry to be into this, but he went with it anyway.

Disconnecting from her, he asked, “What about your roomie?” He nodded to the second bed on the other side of the room.

Mackenzie’s smile grew. “She left.”

“She left school?” He asked to clarify.

“She got pregnant and went home.” Mackenzie’s face lit up like it was exciting. Kolson thought that was horrible for the girl. Unless that was what she wanted, but if she had to quit school, he guessed it wasn’t.

“I have the room all to myself now.” She ran her hands over the back of his neck.

There was a knock on the door. “Pizza’s here.”

Kolson could have sighed in relief, he couldn’t wait to finally have something in his stomach.
