Page 109 of Jocks

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No, this wasn’t a glorified high school. The work was much more intense. Not everyone knew him. His professors didn’t care if his GPA dropped. In high school his teachers would make sure he stayed on top of things or gave him extra credit so he could continue to play sports. He could walk down the halls here and not be greeted by every other person. Granted, there were less than eighty people in his high school graduating class.

“Why aren’t you eating anyway? Have an eating disorder?” He changed the subject.

“You don’t want me to fat shame you, but now you’re skinny shaming me?” Autumn raised a brow and a hint of a smirk appeared on her face. “I already ate dinner.”

“Are you here on an academic scholarship?” He guessed the tutoring helped with some of her tuition. He would’ve joined a work study if he had the time, but with football, it was near impossible.

Autumn shifted and looked at the paper. “Something like that.”

He was getting ready to ask her to elaborate, when he heard his name. He welcomed the distraction.

“Marco.” Kolson lifted his hand as Marco strode toward them. Marco fist bumped him and slid into the seat beside him.

“What’s up?” Marco’s dark eyes looked Autumn up and down. Autumn rolled her eyes. Marco walked around as if he was a gift to all the girls on campus. It was funny to see someone immune to his charm. Yet again, she was immune to Kolson’s as well.

“Studying.” Kolson motioned toward the laptop in front of Autumn.

“I’d say more like deflecting than studying, but whatever,” Autumn said. Dang, she had him figured out.

“Ahhh,” Marco turned completely toward Autumn. “I’m having a party this weekend. Wanna come?”

“I’m washing my hair.” Autumn didn’t look at Marco as she opened a textbook.

Kolson belted out a laugh. “Dude.” This girl was awesome, putting Marco in his place.

“You’re funny.” Marco smiled. “I like that.”

Autumn looked at him and pushed up her glasses. “I don’t care what you like. I’m here to study.”

Kolson and Marco were only friends because of football. It was nice to see him put in his place. It didn’t seem to phase him much though, he turned back toward Kolson.

“Anyway, party at the house this weekend.” Marco tilted his head toward Autumn, “Bring the chick if you want.”

“Last time I checked I didn’t have feathers.” Autumn deadpanned, again focused on the computer.

Marco’s lips upturned, “Looks like I ruffled some.”

Autumn looked up at him with irritation in her hazel eyes. “Are you done yet? Because I’m not getting paid to get hit on.”

“Burn …” Kolson put a hand to his chest and laughed.

Marco turned toward Kolson before he stood. “I’ll see you later, man.”

Kolson waved as he took another bite of his food.

“Can we get to work?” Autumn motioned toward the books.

Kolson smiled. Autumn’s attitude toward Marco and her insistence to come here and study so Kolson wouldn’t miss dinner made him like this girl even if his first impression of her wasn’t the best.
