Page 182 of Jocks

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Oakley follows my order, and soon we’re all sorted out into teams and facing each other on the grass. Magnolia in front of me with a perked brow when I stand on the other side of the line of scrimmage.

“I don’t think this is fair,” she falters flatly, bent over like she sees us when we’re at games or practice.

“What isn’t, Mags?”

She runs her finger down the length of me. “You have like four inches on me and, at least, sixty more pounds.”

I grant my free rein of vision to trail down her chest and back to her ass that a few guys could get a free look at if they were ballsy enough. “I’d say five more extra inches and eighty more extra pounds, but to my utter disappointment, I can’t tackle you to the ground.”

She rolls those pretty eyes. “Behave, Asher. I’m not a pro like you are.”

“That wasn’t part of the rules.” I give her a wink, and she plays off the tiny smile that’s forming at her lips as one that’s already done with my teasing.

“Well, you wouldn’t want to have a flag on the play, would you?”

“I mean…I know how to play when the refs aren’t lookin’.” I give her a cocky little smirk. “It’s one of many superpowers.”

She tsks. “You’re awful.”

“Alright!” Oakley shouts behind me. “Let’s play!”

Tony stands back on his side of the grass and looks down the front of his line. “Set-hike!”

Magnolia runs around me to get open for a pass, and I give her two seconds before I’m turning around and hunting her ass down. Her long blonde hair bounces along her spine as she turns around and waits for the open ball, but it’s passed to somewhere else who’s promptly touched and marked as down.

“I didn’t know you had some speed,” I tell Magnolia when we’re standing in front of each other again.

She only smiles at me again, trying to contain how big it is, and says, “It’s from running away from you for all those years.”

I can’t help the chuckle that forms from my chest as I shake my head, watching Magnolia get back to her side of the line.

Tony waits for his players to be ready before he calls out again for everyone to move and when Magnolia gets past me again, I see that Tony’s focus narrowed in on her. Pivoting, I sprint toward my pretty target, watching Magnolia catch the ball, and she doesn’t have a chance when I’m already within a foot of her. And when my hands grip her waist to mark her as down, I lift her in the air, to which she promptly wraps her legs around my waist.

“Asher,” she warns. “No one is picking other people up when tackling them.”

“I just didn’t want to bump you down, Mags,” I offer innocently. “And you’re the one that’s got me locked between your pretty thighs again.”

She peers down at me, arms wrapped around my neck, and I fight back the need to take her lips and claim her right in front of everyone. However, I put her down, knowing Magnolia isn’t down for being the center of attention.

“I think that’s first down, right?” She gives me a playful wink, like I did her at the beginning of the game, then rounds my body to get back to her team, only causing the damn cock between my legs to thicken.

We do this back-and-forth football thing for a while. Magnolia almost gets a touchdown, but I’m an asshole, and she doesn’t make it. She’s quick to remind me of that too when I touch her and get her on downs.

When it’s my team’s turn to play offense, I’m elected quarterback, but Magnolia is quick to want to return the favor of making sure I can’t get shit accomplished.

God, this woman.

She doesn’t give a fuck that I’m the star quarterback and used to huge pricks trying to get me down because she only sprints for me every time I start a play.

I just get the ball out of my hands on second down when her palms find the planes of my chest and she doesn’t remove them when she stands in front of me, panting from sprinting back and forth.

“I almost got you, Clark,” she says victoriously with pinkened cheeks. “Keep watch.”

“Aw, Bellows, you already got me,” I return. “I’ve been trying to tell you that for years.”

She doesn’t erase the smile on her face when she spins to get back to her team. And on our next play, it’s when my blood goes from normal to boiling when Harrison decides to play the other side of the field with her in front of him.

I study her expression, appearing irritated that he’s there to begin with, something I’m extremely grateful for. It wouldn’t be out of Harrison’s element to try to win her back, so I couldn’t stand a chance to follow through with what I’ve always wanted.
