Page 262 of Jocks

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“Do you care?” he asked, and it shocked me. I took a step back. I gulped but nodded. “Really?” He scoffed and kept walking.

I had nothing and everything to lose, so I closed my eyes, summoned the courage of at least forty romance novel heroines, and shouted, “I love you.”

Click. Click. Silence.

I opened my eyes, and he was still not facing me, but he had stopped. I moved forward until I was standing next to him then in front of him. I looked up and said, “You…said you…and you will leave and…” I looked down.

“You mean it?” he asked. I nodded.

“Come here.” He moved and I moved until he had me scooped up into his arms and I could look down into those deep brown eyes before kissing him. I pulled back and he said, “I love you, too.”

I hugged him, though with all that equipment I was sure he probably only felt my lips at his neck as I said it again and again.

“Parker!” the coach shouted.

Brady kissed me once more and said, “You’ll be—”

“Waiting to go home with you. Yes.” I nodded. He smiled and then headed with more energy into the locker room.

I made my way back to the stands and a moment later, Pricilla was next to me. I said, “Hi.”

“You make up?” she asked. I nodded, smiled. “Good because I was really worried for a minute there you might have fucked him up for life.”

I blinked and looked at her. She gulped and said, “He’s my cousin, but he’s my big brother.” She explained a little bit more about Brady Parker. “He doesn’t show that easily or to just anyone, so…be careful, okay?”

I nodded. “Promise.”

“Okay.” She smiled and said, “I’m heading to a friend’s house after this so…you have the weekend.”

I blushed but nodded as she walked away. The team came back out after the break and the second half was way better than the first. He had new life, new purpose, and that fire back on the field. They lost, but only by a field goal, so while this ended the season, it didn’t end his prospects for a pro career. I knew that because I overheard some scouts talking about him as I waited patiently for my player to emerge from the locker rooms.

Lots of press around so it took him longer than usual. I realized he waited until almost all of them were gone. He slipped by the few remaining because they were already talking to other people. He made his way directly toward me and his vehicle. I heard the noise and moved to get into the passenger side. He did not want to linger here.

Once in the car, he leaned over and pulled me into a kiss. He said, “I missed you so fucking much, and I wanted to tell you, but I—”

“I didn’t know how and then it was too much to say on a phone or in a text, so—”

“I love you.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. “I never thought I would say that, but I do.”

“I love you, too, Brady Parker.” I smiled and admitted, “You are definitely an alien of some sort because this whole thing, since meeting you…out of this world.”

He laughed and said, “Definitely felt like I slipped into a different dimension.”

Of course, I still had two years of college to go. Brady surprised everyone by not taking a pro football job, but instead, an assistant coaching one right there at the college. His cousin did not return for the second year, but I moved into his apartment and made good use of the empty bedroom by turning it into a reading room.

We did lots of reading in that room.

Sometimes in very unconventional and…other worldly ways.
