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Azalea Blooms 5


Laughterbombardedmyears as I opened the door to Breaking Badly, the house some of the ladies on the golf team rented out. It was a basic four bedroom, two and a half bath place that looked a hell of a lot like a sorority house, only without all the pink.

The girls were doing their makeup when I walked in. “Hey, Z!” Cami was the first to see me and squish me in a big ass hug.

I wasn’t a hugger but you didn’t tell her no to such things. “You ready to shake your booty and get your groove on tonight?”

“Do people really talk like that… like… in a normal setting?” I queried an eyebrow and they all dropped into a fit of laughter.

“Psshhh, it's a party. We’re planning on enjoying ourselves tonight.”

“You can’t wear that to a party, Z.” Ash spoke with a matter-of-fact tone.

“And why not?” I asked defensively.

She got up and walked over to me, grabbed me by the arm, walked into her room and pulled out a slinky little dress from the closet. “Ash… I don’t know…”

She whacked me on the ass. “Go try it on. We’ll be out there waiting. If you’re going to this party, then you are going to look like a girl any man would be more than happy to fall to his knees for.”

I smirked. Yeah, just like Lukas had a few days ago. It seemed we were hopeless.

Ash was right. The dress did look amazing once I got it on. It hugged all my curves, showed off some cleavage, but I felt like my ass was hanging out from the breeze grazing over my legs with each step.

Catcalls and whistles rang out as I walked back into the room where everyone else was.

The look of approval on the girls’ faces gave a glowing review. “Damn, Z. Lukas won’t be able to keep his hands off of you in that little number. Now… Here's some shoes to go with it.” I made wide eyes at Cami. She shouldn’t be saying shit like that, but no one else said anything. They either knew and were keeping it quiet or were simply choosing to act oblivious. I was thankful for both.

I blushed. “Luke and I are just friends.”

The girls did a synchronized eye roll. “Bullshit.”

“Ohhhhh can I do your makeup? Please, please, please…” Kenzie begged me to move on, her bottom lip strung out in a pout. I never did my makeup.

Growing up without a mom, you learned that makeup didn’t really mean much in the whole gamut of things. I wasn’t embarrassed by my face.

Mrs. Munson had offered to help me learn when I was younger, but I shrugged it off. Why did I need makeup? Now, I was mildly regretting my decision. When I told Kenzie yes, she legit bounced on her feet like a kid waiting in line for the carousel.

Half an hour later, we were all leaving the house on our way to the party at The Ice Drop, the hockey guys house. The weather was warm tonight, so no need to worry about cold air breezes. Not yet at least. It was the beginning of fall. Golf season had started, and our first tournament was right around the corner. We probably shouldn’t have been going out tonight, but Luke had been blowing up my phone all day making sure I was planning to come.

Lukas and his naughty mind and messages. Fuck, they made me blush like the virgin I was. Hopefully that would be changing soon.

I wasn’t worried about the party tonight. I knew Lukas would be there and all of our friends would be too. The same friends we’d been hanging out with for the last three years. Maybe this was the year. Our last year of everyone being together. Maybe some of our friends, other than Ash and Isaac, would hook up. Or maybe I was just putting all my hopes and dreams on someone else because I didn’t want mine to go up in flames.

If I focused on someone else, I wasn’t worried about what I was doing with my best friend. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences of what happened the next time I saw a puck bunny pawing at him like a fresh pound of meat. I didn’t know how he would react if he saw a guy talking to me. We’d crossed a line and now there was no going back. We were in uncertain waters and I had no idea what lurked below the murky surface.

A line had to be drawn somewhere. We either kept going on this path, or we jumped off and hoped to God we were scarless and still friends in the aftermath.

The party was in full swing when we got there. My heart beat faster. Tonight would be the first time we were together around our friends. Would they realize something had changed? That something was different between us? Probably not.

Lukas and I had always been those touchy-feely best friends, so I didn’t think anyone would bat an eye over it. My heart still rattled around in my chest, much like the sound of a rattlesnake warning its prey. I think somehow my heart was trying to warn my head, but it didn’t want to listen.

The girls and I walked through the party commanding attention. The sea of people parted for us. It always felt weird being the center of attention, but I got used to it when I was out with my girls.

My best friends were some of the hottest girls on campus, but we weren’t bunnies. We were friends with the hockey team and we didn’t need to let them into our pants to call them so. Freshman year when Luke and I finally decided to get our friends together everyone clicked immediately.

Granted Cami and Taz had always been at each other's throats. The sexual tension was fierce, and I feared one day they’d burn the place down, leaving only ashes and second degree burns in the wake of their wildfire.
