Page 85 of Jocks

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Sidelined 2


“You guys go on ahead. I don’t feel like standing around a crowded house all night.” I bend and straighten my knee for effect, like I’m working out some stiffness.

“One word, dude. Cheerleaders.” The corner of Trevor’s lip ticks up in a sly grin.

“You don’t want to miss this party.” Alex’s wide eyes dare me to object. “You know how excited cheerleaders are on a normal day, but they just won some big competition. Everyone is gonna get laid.”

“My knee is already swollen from walking around campus all day, and in a crowded house, there’s a good chance I get bumped into the wrong way. I’m not jeopardizing my recovery for that.” It’s a plausible excuse, which they can’t argue since they know a healthy leg is the only thing standing between me and a pro career. But that’s not why I’m calling it an early night.

“What are you gonna do, then?” Trevor looks at me like I’ve sprouted a tail.

“I don’t know. Grab some food, watch a movie, I guess.”

“Addy’s got a movie night planned.” Trevor waggles his eyebrows.

“Watch one of her rom coms? No, thanks.” I sneer like that’s a terrible idea, and it is, but not for the reason he thinks. The truth is I have no business being alone with Alex’s sister, who I’ve lusted after since first setting eyes on her during practice freshman year.

Don’t ask me why a woman in football pants is so hot. All I know is that look works on Addy. I also know every other guy on the team thought the same, which Alex was quick to warn against. That initial spark might’ve died down if I never saw her again, but then Alex and I clicked, and since he and Addy are so close, that means she’s always around.

Pretending I like short blondes and treating Addy like an annoying little sister have hidden the truth, but that façade is getting harder and harder to maintain, especially knowing that it’s only a matter of time before one or both of us get drafted by a pro team. When that happens, I’ll probably never see her again, and the ticking clock makes my feelings damn near impossible to ignore. That’s why I can never, ever, be alone with her.

“It’s just a movie,” Trevor snorts. “Besides, the poor girl is always alone unless we’re there. Alex would probably be grateful to have someone keep her company. Wouldn’t you?” Trevor elbows his arm.

“It’s a medical condition. I literally break out in hives around chick flicks,” I answer before Alex can agree.

“Are you telling me, in all the dates you’ve been on, you’ve never suffered through a girly movie for the reward that comes at the end?” Trevor arches a thick brow.

“Dude, we’re talking about my sister. No one’s watching any kind of movie with her—especially not for the reward.” Alex points at each of us in turn. Trevor doubles over, having successfully riled our teammate.

“Want us to grab a bite with you before you head home?” Alex turns to me to avoid Trevor’s satisfied smirk.

“Nah, I’m good. I’ll catch you later.” They head off toward the party while I spin back toward campus.

My knee isn’t so sore that I can’t stand on it all night. I just don’t have the energy to pretend I’m into any of the women there. I’ve done that for years, thinking time was on my side. This injury has shown me it’s not, and I’d rather do something more productive, like rehabbing my knee, than wasting a night with a woman I’m not into.

Most people expect me to go pro one day, and I probably could, if I stay healthy. One blown ACL is a setback; another could either end my career or disable me for life. I don’t care how good they are at surgeries these days, you bust your knee one too many times and you’re walking with a limp forever or getting a new one. That’s why I’m religious about training, although I did skip it earlier to attend the bi-monthly poker game. Which I lost to Addison. Again.

Truth be told, I don’t mind losing to her. A woman who can play poker is sexy. One who can talk shit while doing it is even hotter. Then there’s that competitive spirit, which Addy has in droves. Whether she’s chasing down a ball on the soccer field or screaming her heart out for the football team, she doesn’t do anything half-assed, and having grown up the same way, I respect it. Admire it, even. Too bad I can never act on that admiration. There’d be a whole locker room full of guys lined up to beat my ass if I even thought about it, starting with Alex.

It doesn’t matter, though. Addy treats me like more of a brother than her actual brother, so there will never be a reason for the guys to beat me into line. The closest I’ll ever get to her is poker night. It’s a poor substitute for what I really want, but better than nothing.

I reach the gym and head into the locker room to change into my workout gear. After putting on my protective brace, I head into the weight room to find the lights already on. Weird. The metallic clank of weights smacking together echoes through the room, and I follow the sound to the unlikely source. Addy, loading weights onto the bench press.

My first instinct is to question how she got in here, but before I can speak, I register the scene before me. Tall and lean, glistening with sweat around her slender waist and above her cleavage, Addy is a vision. Her toned frame leaves no doubt the woman is an athlete, but in her tiny little shorts and a sports bra that leaves nothing to the imagination, she’s sexy as hell.

The rational side of me—the one that knows the beating I’ll have to look forward to if I do the wrong thing—is screaming at me to leave. But I don’t. I can’t. It’s physically impossible. Not when I’m closer to her than I ever hoped to get. Alone.

Addy finishes loading the weights and sits on the bench, mopping at her chest with a towel. Despite standing utterly still, something causes her to look in my direction, and once she meets my eyes, her gaze holds mine.

I can tell by the way her chest rises that the shock of seeing me has her holding a breath. I hold mine, too, waiting for some cue from her to tell me what to do.

It doesn’t come.

Instead, we stay rooted in place, staring at each other from across the room, like it’s the first time we’re seeing each other. I guess in a way it is, considering we’ve never been able to really look at each other before.

I can tell the moment she starts to breathe again. Her chest falls just a fraction, like it’s taking all her effort to stay in control. Either I’ve given her quite the scare, or my presence is just as intriguing to her as hers is to me. Is that possible? God help me if it is.
