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“Consider me persuaded,” she said with a slow smile.

“You don’t have to wait up.”

“Oh, I won’t be. Someone kept me up half the night with orgasm after orgasm.” She rolled her eyes.

“How rude,” I scoffed.

A nod. “Right? And then today, it’s just been more of the same. I really need some rest.” She exaggerated a yawn.

“Well, then, my bed is at your disposal.” And the thought of her being there when I got home was more than I could put into words. The same as it had been to wake up this morning with her curled around me like a limpet.

“The couch, too?”

“Of course.”

“And there’s pie in your fridge,” she said with a bounce of her brows and a twinkle in her eye.

“Always.” I kissed the tip of her nose.

Her smile shifted to something less certain as her teeth worried at her lip. She nodded, pulled away. I let her go and followed to the bedroom. I had known Chase long enough to know when something was on her mind, when to push her to talk and when to leave her be. But it was harder now to let those thoughts stay in her head and not know what they were.

“Yesterday, last night, this morning, it’s all been … perfect. Beyond perfect. But I don’t know how to do this, Mack, not really. I’m not good at it. I—” She broke off, fidgeting with the edge of her towel, then let it fall to the floor and reached for her shirt. I caught her before she’d managed to pull it on, sat on the bed and held her between my knees. I knew why she was freaking out, I was too, but I still believed in us.

“Take a breath.” She did, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders. “It’s us, Chase. Don’t let Maureen tell you otherwise.”

“Maureen has nothing to do with this.” She shot a very pointed look down at her chest and then at me. “We’re both naked and my boobs are basically in your face. That’s not us.”

“It wasn’t us. It is now. And I, for one, am not mad about it.” I ducked my head to take her nipple in my mouth and her fingers threaded into my hair. I was sure I’d had a point, but now I was having trouble focusing on it. I released her nipple with a wet pop and thoroughly enjoyed her small whimper of disappointment.

“I don’t know how to be around you when we’re not naked. What do we do now? How do we act? How do I not just kiss your face off every time I see you?”

I smoothed the crease in her brow with my thumb. “I would not be opposed to you kissing my face off whenever you felt the need.”

She punched my shoulder. “I’m serious, Mack. We can’t just be making out in the office at Rudi.” I opened my mouth to argue but she cut me off. “It would be unprofessional.”

“You’re right,” I agreed. “So maybe we just need to lay down some ground rules?”

“Ground rules?” Her eyes lit with the prospect of a little structure. My girl loved a plan.

“Sure, number one, no fucking in the office. And I hope you understand the sacrifice I’m making there.”

“You’re a true saint.” Her tone was comically deadpan.

“Thank you, I’m glad you see it too,” I said, giving her ass a squeeze. “Look, I know it’s going to be weird for a while. And I can’t really tell you how long that’ll last, either. My main concern is my cock.”

“What?” she said with a laugh.

“Well, I’m hoping it’s not constantly hard when you’re around. That’s great right now, sure, but as you point out, not so much when we’re at work.”

She winced. “Yeah, that could get awkward real fast.”

“I’d be lucky to not be accused of sexual harrassment.”

She smiled, the tension in her frame draining away. “Okay. We can do this.”

“We can. We’re a team.”

“The best team,” she added as her mouth descended over mine. The kiss started slow but quickly deepened and turned hungry. Then she was straddling my lap, taking my cock and bringing it to her entrance. My eyes rolled back in my head as she lowered herself slowly, inch by torturous inch, until there was nothing left between us. God, the feel of her was enough to scramble my fucking brain. Her pussy pulsed once, twice, a third time as she adjusted. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to the wet, hot grip she had on me.
