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This was bad. This was very bad. One day without us and look where she's at.

Farther than she was yesterday.

The man knows. He knows.

I know he knows!

Ace groaned as she cracked her eyes open. Above her was the spider web covered ceiling that belonged to Shelby's grandmother. The witch! That's right. Her thoughts came to her sluggishly between the rumblings of the gods themselves. She turned her head and looked down at the floor where Shelby had been last night.

The floor was empty. The blankets gone.

Great. She's awake! Good morning sunshine, how can you live with yourself knowing you've messed up so royally?Greshta practically sang.

Give her a moment to wake up.Ease her into it.Fareesh, the god of health, scolded the goddess of power.

She hasn't messed anything up,Sylik said, probably more to get under Greshta's skin than to make Ace feel better. Was she supposed to be in a stranger's cabin with a warlock she basically stole from the queen? No. Not at all.

The man knows,Greshta snapped back.

I did a lot of meddling to help the warlock see the good in that plan,Ramdon’s dark voice confirmed.

Knowing that Ramdon had played his part to get Shelby to help her, made Ace’s stomach knot up. She’d been foolish to think it had been entirely by his own will. Well…his will and that butcher knife.

The queen knows. Greshta tried to emphasize.

The queen knows. Three words that made Ace want to roll to the edge of the couch and vomit all over these clean floors. What does the queen know? How does she know? Fabric bunched in her fisted hands.

Ace lay perfectly still, letting her eyes unfocus as she lay there and tried to listen. Concentrating on anything other than her endless mistakes was proving more difficult by the second.

The queen recognized you. Your only saving grace was that she is certain there is no way it could be true. She thinks she might be going crazy,Greshta confirmed.What made you think linking up with one of the queen's pets was a good idea? The two of you caused the biggest scene since King Rome was killed and his sons were kicked out of the borders of Pasia.

Ramdon laughed, the noise sounding almost like thunder inside Ace’s head, but he didn't say a thing.

He would think this was funny.

What exactly was she supposed to do? They hadn't given her much of a plan. If Ace had done what they wanted there would have been arealattempt at the queen's life last night. Ace—for her own conscience, not that the queens bother to listen to theirs—needed to feel the same sort of wrath the gods did before she killed the queens. Not to mention the then empty throne.

No thank you. It was overwhelming to even think about.

So Ace was taking it slow. To say the least. The queens would get what was coming to them but on Ace's timeline. She'd lived on everyone else's timeline, but now Ace had no connections to the living world, not really, so she got away with a lot more. As much as the gods acted as if she had no control, they'd even said it themselves that in the land of the living she had her own free will.

Ace you can't ignore us. You got your quiet day, Greshta pushed.

Mostly quiet,Bedesh said, his voice a soft whisper that still somehow made Ace think he was smiling. Bedesh thought Ace was lucky that some god had taken pity on her and broke their pact of silence.

"Oh, shut up!" She sat up on the couch, slapping her palm against her forehead repeatedly.

Shelby looked up from where he sat at the kitchen table, a journal held open before him. "What?"

"Not you." She pointed to her head. "Them."

"Them?" He sat up a little straighter, no doubt thinking the girl had officially lost her mind.

Ace gave the room a once over looking for his grandma and finding the cranky old woman nowhere in sight. She swallowed down the weird bubble of nervousness that thought gave her.

"The gods," she explained. "Where is your grandma?"

"Out. She needed to tend to her garden. I didn't stop her…are the gods talking to you? Right now?"

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