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Gabi pressed her fingers to her lips, and tears came into her eyes. She nodded.

“No,” Julia said. She stepped around Luc. “Alice, I will buy you a goat. I have money.”

Alice’s brow raised as if the proposal interested her, but she still glared.

Julia pressed on. She would never allow Alice to take Gabi’s beloved goat. “Luc will take me tomorrow to... wherever one goes to buy a goat.” She looked up at Luc, pleading in her gaze. “Won’t you?”

He rubbed his eyes. “It’s not as easy as you think, Juliette. Purchasing livestock is more complicated than merely paying a visit to the local goat store.”

Julia did not know how to answer. He was obviously being sarcastic, but she did not know how to find a new goat on her own. “Surely someone sells goats somewhere,” she said.

Luc huffed through his nose. He shook his head. “Nowhere near here.”

Julia’s throat got even tighter. Buying a new goat was the only answer she could see to the problem she’d caused. “Please, Luc. I have to. This is my fault, and I can’t let Gabi give up Coquette.” She realized she’d taken hold of his hand with both of hers, but she did not let go, even though the action was extremely inappropriate for a young lady. “I can’t do it without you. Please.”

Luc looked at her for a moment, then looked toward the others in the entryway.

His aunt and neighbors stared back, waiting for his answer.

He glanced at her hands holding his, then lifted his gaze to Julia’s. At last, Luc gave a long blink followed by a short nod.

Julia squeezed his hand. “Thank you.” She released her grip and turned back to Alice. “I will fix this, Madame Laurent. And again, I am so very—”

“You choose the goat, Luc.” Alice interrupted. “I trust you.” She jerked her head toward Julia. “She’ll not know the first thing about what to look for.”

Luc nodded. “Oui.”

“Taste the milk,” Alice continued. “It must be sweet with no aftertaste.”

He nodded again.

Alice gave a last glare to Julia. “I must go now and tend to my poor Fleur.” She spun and stormed out the door.

Mathieu remained. “Gabrielle, I believe you mentioned yogurt cake ...” He smiled.

“Oh yes. I will make a plate for you to take.” She went into the kitchen.

Julia scratched the little dog’s ears. She picked up Mathieu’s cane and handed it to him. “Monsieur Laurent,” she said in a timid voice. “I am truly sorry. I didn’t mean—I would never hurt Fleur.”

He took her hand. “Of course you wouldn’t, ma chérie.” He glanced back over his shoulder. “And Alice—she knows it too. She is just... upset.”

He pressed a kiss to her hand and took the plate of cake Gabi brought. He leaned close to the cake and inhaled, closing his eyes. “Ah, my favorite. Merci, Gabrielle.” Mathieu gave a pleased smile.

“I’ll walk with you,” Luc said. He took his coat from a peg by the door, sliding his hands into the sleeves. “See if there’s anything I can do for the goat.” He took the cake plate from Mathieu and held the door for the older man.

“Bonne nuit.” Mathieu bowed to the ladies and turned carefully, leaning heavily on his cane as he walked. The little dog followed.

Luc started to follow but turned. “We will leave before dawn, Juliette. I’ll knock on your door to wake you.”

She nodded.

Once Gabi closed the door behind him, Julia sank down onto the bottom step of the staircase. “Oh, Gabi. What have I done?” She rested her elbows on her knees and sank her head onto her arms.

Fredric wound between her feet.

“It was an accident, Juliette. You must not feel responsible. You thought to help.”

“But that poor animal.” Julia spoke without lifting her head. “To think that she’s suffering because of my ignorance.” She turned her head to the side and glanced at Gabi. “The sycamore tree is right beside the gate. How is it that Fleur never ate the bracken fern before?”
