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“Of course she does.” Luc shifted. “There is nothing to worry about.”Julia could hear that he was moving away, and her fear came back full force. “Luc?”

“Oui, Juliette?”

Her heartbeat sped up again. “I know this is exceedingly improper...”

He was still in the darkness.

“Will you hold my hand? Just until I fall back asleep?” She felt silly for even saying it. But the thought of him leaving her alone was more frightening than the embarrassment of asking the question.

“Bien sûr que oui.”His voice was gentle.

Julia reached toward him, finding his hand, and her worries immediately calmed. His hand was warm and strong, and she held on, knowing that no matter what dangers might lurk in the darkness, Luc was there; he would keep her safe. And he wouldn’t let anything crawl into her hair.

Chapter Fifteen

Julia sat up on theblanket of her hay bed. She’d slept soundly, and the groggy feeling that accompanied a deep sleep lingered. The hay felt warm beneath her, and she let the blanket fall from her shoulders.

“Ah, you are awake at last,” Luc said. His head popped up over the edge of the loft.

She rubbed her eyes, squinting as her vision adjusted in the dim light coming from the few windows in the barn. “Good morning, Luc.”

He climbed up from the ladder and crossed the loft, already dressed in his own clothes. When he reached her, he knelt on one knee, resting an arm on the other. “Did you sleep well?”

“Oui.” She blushed, remembering the way she’d clung to him, panicked, in the middle of the night. “Thank you.” Julia blinked and rubbed her eyes again. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned, moving a hand in front of her mouth.

“You’ve some hay in your hair,” Luc said. He slid toward her and pulled out a piece from behind her ear.


Luc’s hand cupped her cheek, and his lips covered hers. He pulled away, standing so quickly that Julia’s thoughts scarcely had time to catch up.

Luc kissed me.

Fluttering erupted inside her chest, and she gasped at the intensity. She looked up at him, now fully awake and trying to understand what had happened.

“Excusez-moi, Juliette. I didn’t mean...”

Julia touched her lips.

“You just looked so... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken such a liberty.” Luc started back toward the ladder.

“Oh.” She felt like a simpleton but could not do anything but blink as her mind reeled.Luc kissed me!

He turned around and started down the ladder. “Sylvie has breakfast for you in the house. The wagon is ready whenever you are.”

Julia sat for a long moment. She wrapped her arms around herself as if to contain the feelings that were trying to burst free. His hand in the night, his arms around her, and now his kiss. Was this how love felt? Everything inside her raced, her pulse was strong and fast, her limbs felt shaky, and her thoughts were scattered. But still she sat, trying to hold on to the feeling. Trying to understand it.

After a moment, she stood, brushing off the borrowed dress and folding the blankets. Her lips were hot, still feeling the aftereffects of Luc’s kiss. And she couldn’t stop her smile. All in all, it was rather a nice way to wake up.

When Julia entered the house, Élise ran to her. “You are awake at last.”

“Good morning, Élise.” Julia put the blankets and pillow on the sofa.

“Luc drew our pictures.” She pointed to the drawings on the mantel. “Did you see?”

Julia nodded, again admiring the drawings. She could see why Élise and her mother were so pleased with them. They were exquisite.

“Mamá will put them into a frame,” Élise said.
