Page 116 of Her Maine Reaction

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“I don’t need to hear about my brother and my soon to be little sister,” Ryan says, walking back into the kitchen in jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt.

“Sorry,” Ally says, her face turning a light shade of pink.

“It’s okay.” Ryan laughs, bringing her in for a hug. “I’m glad Jake has you, but I don’t need to hear about the details of your sex life.”

“No problem,” Ally murmurs, blushing harder.

“Ry, stop embarrassing her. Can you take the dish out of the oven? It should be done.”

“Sure. What did you make?”

“Chicken parm.”

“Oh, baby, yes. That’s one of my favorites.”

“Not your baby, sheriff.” I hate being called that. Men who’ve called me that always grated on my nerves, and meant it in a derogatory or condescending way.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I forgot.” He smiles, throwing me a wink.

“Well, aren’t you two cute?” Ally croons, looking back and forth between us.

I open my mouth to say something back, but the side door opening stops me.

“Hey, Ry,” Jake greets, slapping his brother on the back before walking over to Ally and kissing her deep.

Jake is a huge, Viking, Thor type of a man, and when he turns to me, he envelopes me a big bear hug. “Hey, Ash. I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks. Me too.”

“Unhand my woman,” Ryan says, placing the chicken parm on the table.

“Relax, Ryan.” I sigh, rolling my eyes. Grabbing four wine glasses, and a bottle from his cabinet, I place it on the table and uncork the bottle.

“Can you drink?” Ally asks.

“Yes, would you like to see my ID?”

“Don’t be a smartass, Ash,” she says, pinning with me a stare. “I meant because of your concussion.”

“Oh, I think I can?” I look over at Ryan. “Am I? Did the nurse at the hospital say I couldn’t drink?”

“She said not while you’re still healing.”

“Fine.” I sigh, sitting down. “Let’s eat, then.”

Ally laughs. “Don’t pout, Ash. It’s not a good look.”

“Whatever bitch. I’m the one with a concussion, so I’ll pout if I want.”

“At least hitting your head hasn’t changed you.” She smiles.

It sort of has, though. Hitting my head, although painful and scary, made Ryan and I face what we were too scared to talk about.


Dinner went smoothly. Ally and Jake are fun to watch. He’s normally stoic, but around Ally, she makes him smile and laugh.

“Jake is actually kind of funny,” I say to Ryan after they leave, and we’ve finished cleaning up.
