Page 44 of Her Maine Reaction

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“Why did you decide to go into law enforcement? And how did you become sheriff so young?”

“Well, I told you how my parents expected me to always be the good example for my brothers. They all looked at me like I was some superhero who would swoop in and save the day whenever they needed me. And I guess I took that image and made a career out of it.”

“But do you like it?”

“I do. People count on me.”

“Don’t you ever want tonotbe the person everyone counts on? Isn’t it tiring?”

“It is,” he admits quietly. “I’ve been sheriff for five years now.”

“How did you get elected so young? What were you, 30?”

“Yes, I was,” he says, flashing me a smile. “And it’s because I’m well-liked, sweetheart.” Nudging him, I can’t help but smile back, and lean into him as we walk. “But it’s the truth. I was the star quarterback in high school, and then went to UMaine and played there, too.”

“So, you’re the town’s golden boy who came back to protect and serve?”

“Something like that. Yeah.”

“If you could, would you choose a different career?”

“No,” he confesses after a beat. “I love being the man people count on. I used to view it as a burden when I was younger, but when I became a deputy, I saw that it was a position to take pride in. I realized I really did like being someone people could count on.”

“You’re a good man, Ryan,” I whisper, looking up at him. Blinking away the flurries sticking to my eyelashes, his eyes meet mine.

“Thank you.”

“You literally plowed your way to me to bring me food.” I smile. “You went way beyond your job description to save a simple visitor of Pine Cove. So, thank you.”

“I didn’t do it because of the job, Ashley,” he says, his eyes blazing down at me.

“You didn’t?”

“No.” Ryan stops walking and steps in front of me. Reaching up, he brushes away the few strands of hair stuck to my cheek. “You know why I came,” he whispers, the breeze carrying his soft words to my ears.

“I do?” I ask, suddenly feeling lightheaded with the way he’s looking at me.

Nodding, he lowers his head and kisses me softly, but the sting of electricity sparks something inside of me.

Ryan squeezes the hand he’s holding, and I sigh into the kiss, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. Moaning on contact, I reach up with my free hand and grip the back of his neck, holding him to me.

I can feel it–that pull in my chest that reaches out to his. I feel him everywhere.

My cold lips heat under his, and he groans into my mouth. I feel the vibrations all the way to my fingers and toes–the current flowing through my veins.

I feel vulnerable and exposed to all that’s unsaid between us.

Pulling away slowly, he leans his forehead against mine, and we breathe in each other’s air–eyes still closed.

We stand here for a few long seconds, my pulse pounding in my ears. Under my fingers, I can feel his thrumming strong and fast–a sure, steady beat.

Squeezing his hand, I settle back down on my feet and open my eyes. I couldn’t feel the cold air before, but it hits me again, and a shiver wracks my body.

“Let’s head back,” he says, his voice low and smooth.

I focus on the crunching of fresh snow beneath our feet as we slowly walk back to his truck. I hadn’t even realized we walked so far down the driveway.

Leaning closer to Ryan, I shove my hand deeper into my coat pocket and try not to think about how numb my fingertips are.
