Page 74 of Her Maine Reaction

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“You hunt?” I ask, my face showing my distain.

“Yes, I’m from Maine. I hunt.”

“Please don’t tell me you have a freezer full of venison and moose. Because I refuse to eat that.”

“No, you’re safe. I don’t enter the moose hunting lottery, and I donate the venison.”

“Donate it?”

“Yeah, when my brothers and I go hunting, we harvest the meat and then donate it to the local shelters. That’s what a lot of folks do who have excess.”

“Oh, that’s really nice of you.”

“Don’t sound so shocked.” He jokes.

“I’m not.” I smile. “I just don’t know anything about hunting, fishing, or camping. It’s not really my thing.”

“Well, I will say that I think you’d look sexy in camo holding a gun. And naked under the stars. And on a boat with a rod in hand while the wind blows your curls around your face.”

“I think I can rock some camo. And I’m sure I’d look just as good naked under the stars as you, as well as holding your rod on a boat.” I wink. “But I don’t touch fish. You’d have to do that part.”

His lips twitch, suppressing a smile. “No problem, sweetheart.”

Facing away from him, I hold the rifle up and look through the scope. “I’ve always wanted to shoot a gun.”

“I can take you to a range. Then you can try out a few different ones.”

I smile at him over my shoulder. “Sounds fun.”

We both know I won’t be here long enough for that, but it’s nice that he even offered.

I hand him back his gun and he puts it back in place with the others while I walk across the room to the windows. Peeking through the slats in the blinds, I gasp at what I see. “Ryan, holy shit! How much has it snowed?”

Sighing, he rubs the back of his head. “A few feet. I think three by now.”

“But…how…will it stop?”

“It’s supposed to tomorrow. Don’t worry, Ash, I’m keeping you safe, aren’t I?” He asks, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Yes,” I whisper, leaning my head back against his chest. “I am a little hungry, though. I didn’t eat any dinner.”

“I wonder why,” he muses, kissing me behind the ear, hearing the smile in his voice. “Let’s go see what I have and I’ll make you something.”

“Okay, but I have to talk to you about something.” I’m not sure how to bring this up, but I have to. “Last night, uh, we didn’t use–”

“I know, and I’m sorry. When I realized, it was too late. I’ve been up thinking about it for a while now.”

“That’s why you’re down here?”

“Yeah. Ash, are you…?” He squeezes me a little tighter.

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m covered. But still.”

“It won’t happen again. Sorry,” he murmurs, kissing my hair.

“No, now wait, I didn’t say that. I just meant all you had to do was ask. I don’t know where you’ve been.”

He laughs into my neck. “What?”
