Page 89 of Her Maine Reaction

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“You don’t know my face.”

“We’ve been best friends since high school, bitch. I know your face.”

“Okay, and?”

“And…that’s my point. Also, I had to endure all three of you telling me last summer about how I was different, and I was in love–blah, blah, blah. Now I’m doing it to you because Ellie and Mel aren’t here.”

“Blah, blah, blah? That’s how you describe falling in love with Jake?”

“No.” She smiles. “But you know what I mean. It’s all in the things that you can’t explain. All the things unspoken between you. Every look, touch, and kiss. It’s all there.”

“I know,” I whisper, looking out the window as she parks in a spot outside of the café. The plows must have been out early today, because there was nothing here last night.

Ally climbs out of the car, and I follow her. The bells jingle above us as we walk through the café’s doors, and I inhale the heavenly scent of fresh coffee.

“Oh my God, I haven’t had coffee in daaayyss.” I groan, my body practically pulsing with need.

“Ashley!” Courtney screams, coming out from behind the counter to hug me. “You survived! How have you been? What did you do in the storm? Or should I say who?” She winks.

“What?” I cough out, choking on air.

“I told her.” Ally shrugs.

“Who else knows?”

“Practically everyone. People saw you two out last night and rumors started flying because you were seen walking from his house.”

“Who saw us? The streets were empty until we got to Main Street and the restaurant.”

“Oh, there are eyes everywhere, Ashley. It’s a small town.”

“Okay, well, I need a coffee. ASAP.” Sighing, I walk down the cases of treats and survey my options. Courtney has the absolute BEST pastries. “And a bear claw. And a blueberry glazed donut.”

“Oh, so it’s a double pastry afternoon I see.”

“It is.” Courtney hands me my coffee, and I add a little cream and sugar and then take a seat at the empty table in the corner where my back is to the door and no one will see me.

I don’t need to draw any attention to myself while I enjoy shoving sugary goodness into my mouth.

Ally takes the seat in front of me with her blueberry crumb cake, and Courtney places my two treats down on the table and takes the seat next to me.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Now, spill. I told you at that barbecue to go after the good sheriff because he needed a little fun in his life. Have you provided that?” Courtney asks, smiling.

“Um, maybe?”

“Come on.” She gives me a pointed look.

“Okay.” I sigh, rolling my eyes. “I’ll tell you that he’s freaking amazing, ineveryway. But that’s it. That’s all I’m saying. I’m still sorting things out in my head.”

“Okay, okay,” she says, holding her hands up defensively. “Just know that I’m here when you’re ready. I like to think that I helped make this happen in some small way.” Smiling, she stands and goes back behind the counter.

“Ashley, talk to me,” Ally pleas.

“Let me enjoy this bear claw first, then we can talk.”

“Fine.” She sighs, sipping her coffee.
