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‘Shirdal is the griffins’ head honcho, right?’

Manners hesitated. ‘Yeah, basically.’

‘And you know a guy.’

‘I knowtheguy. Bastion has worked with me for years, albeit I thought he was just another brethren member…’

‘You’ve known Bastion the deadly griffin assassin for years, and you didn’t know it?’ My tone may have been a tad more mocking than the situation called for, but Greg Manners always seemed to knoweverything.It was nice to find out he was fallible.

‘Yeah,’ he muttered. ‘Not my finest moment. But I’ll speak to him and see what I can dig up.’

‘Cool.’ I didn’t tell him about the whole being-one-with-the-trees thing. I don’t know why exactly, but it felt a bit … special, something that was just for me. Besides, I couldn’t work out how to explain it without sounding like a total dope. I cleared my throat. ‘So, are we alright?’

He slid me a long look. ‘You pull that shit again and we’ll have words. Next time you go off site, I need to know. You’re alpha now, you’ve got a target on your back. You always travel with backup.’

‘I did,’ I insisted jokily. ‘I have my wolf with me at all times.’

‘I’m serious. For now, your backup is just me. When we work out who we can trust, you’ll always need a second with you. Liam is looking promising now that Mark’s influence has been removed.’

I nodded soberly. ‘Let’s hope so.’

‘The hunt tonight was a good idea,’ Manners admitted.

‘The night is still young. I can’t wait to dive into a roast chicken.’ My stomach gave a well-timed rumble.

He flashed me a grin. ‘You’re not the only one. I’m starving, even after a good helping of deer. And Mrs Dawes bakes a killer cake. I smelled it in the kitchen earlier.’

‘You have a sweet tooth?’

‘My one flaw.

I snorted. ‘If cake is your worst flaw then you’re doing okay.’

‘A moment on the lips, a lifetime on your hips,’ he saidsotto voce.

‘A moment on the lips is asecondon your hips when you’re a werewolf,’ I grinned.

‘So far, that’s been my favourite thing about being a wolf – the ridiculous metabolism.’

‘And, of course, hanging out with my fabulous self.’ I batted my eyelids outrageously and his lips curled up in a smile.

‘Yeah, that too.’

It was times like this that I wished I had Jess’s skill of being a human lie detector. I changed the topic. ‘Do you think Mrs Dawes has ice cream?’

‘Ben and Jerry’s,’ he confirmed.

‘Shut up! What flavour?’

‘I had Phish Food yesterday.’

I punched a fist in the air. ‘Yes! That’s my favourite.’

‘I ate the whole tub.’

I glared at him. ‘If that’s the only tub, you’re going to be so sorry, mister. I’ll make you pay.’

His lips twitched. ‘Yeah? You and whose army?’
