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We scootched our way back down the corridor past Mark’s room.

Wait,Esme called suddenly.


Listen,she hissed.

I froze and listened. There was a muffled sound of pain, so faint that we had to strain to hear it. It was coming from Archie’s room. He’d been drunk but this didn’t sound like an early hangover.

‘Archie?’ I called through the door. ‘Are you okay?’

There was half a beat of silence then the sound of shattering glass. ‘Archie?’ I shouted louder. ‘I’m coming in.’ I tried the door handle but it was locked. ‘Stand back from the door.’

I kicked the lock mechanism with all my strength, then cringed as the door flew inwards. The force from my kick was such that it was ripped from its hinges and the frame. Luckily Archie was off to one side, but the door struck his desk and broke into two. Sheesh. I really didn’t know my own strength.

I sneezed violently as something assaulted my nose but we ignored the urge to follow the scent and looked at Archie. He was tied to his desk chair, just like Mark had been. Unlike Mark, Archie was still alive, but he wouldn’t stay that way for long – he had a huge slice up his sternum which was bleeding heavily. I thought I could see entrails poking out. It looked horror-movie fake, which was probably the only reason I didn’t vomit.

He needs to change!Esme said urgently.Free him from the chair.

The thick ropes binding him were tied in tight knots. Luckily, I had my girl-guiding badge in knot tying and made quick work of undoing them. I hauled Archie off the chair and laid him carefully on the floor, whipped out my phone and dialled Amber.

‘I’m not healing anymore cocks today,’ she said wearily.

‘I need you, now! Archie is badly hurt,’ I hissed urgently.

‘I’m on my way.’ She hung up.

I compressed Archie’s wound. I didn’t dare leave him, but frustration was roaring through me because I couldn’t follow his attackers. I dialled Manners and prayed he’d pick up.


‘Archie has been attacked. Get to his room now! See if Mrs Dawes has any emergency potions from her friendly witch.’ I hung up.

He needs to change,Esme reiterated.

I know that, but he’s unconscious. What can we do?

Archie is unconscious, but his wolf is not. Pipe the wolf. Quickly.

Keeping my hands on Archie’s gruesome wound, I closed my eyes and reached inside myself like Lisette had taught me. I imagined a deep well of magic, reached into it and drew up the power lurking there. It was slippery and hard to grasp, and I struggled to haul it up. I kept as much as I could balled up in my hands, and then I pushed.It flowed it out from me and into Archie.

Wolf,I called urgently.Archie needs you!

What need have I of him?came a snarling response.

If he dies, you die.

I will return to the Great Pack,he said indifferently.

CHANGE!Esme snarled at him.Your Alpha commands it.Power whipped out from her and the wolf cringed.

What is this?he said, but he spoke with wonder.It will be done.

The change started over him, but it was too slow.

Faster,Esme urged, and again something happened between the wolves that I didn’t follow.

Archie’s body shuddered and transformed. In seconds, he was panting in his wolf form. He gave a low whimper. The change had kickstarted his rejuvenation abilities, but the wide slice was still vicious and open.
