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‘Can you chauffeur Liam and Archie to Rosie’s, then head back when they’re safe? I could use a little back-up here tonight.’

‘No problem. I’ll go now.’ He didn’t quite salute, but I could see the urge bubbling away.

‘You can salute if you want,’ I said with a cheeky wink.

He slid me a wry grin. ‘Old habits die hard. Emergencies bring out the soldier in me.’ Then he collared Archie and dragged him away from his adoring fans.

I took advantage of the kerfuffle to slip away to my office. I’d kept Amber waiting long enough.

Chapter 19

Amberwassittinginmy chair with her feet on my desk, snoozing. She had no doubt stolen my seat as a power play, but now that she was fast asleep and drooling it was hard to be mad at her. Sleep had softened the lines on her face, making her look more approachable. When she was awake, Amber’s eyes permanently glinted with suspicion and distrust, and she gave the impression that she was all sharp edges. I knew a defence mechanism when one slapped me in the face.

I contemplated letting her sleep longer, but I knew she’d definitely get a crick in her neck if she slept like that and she’d be happier in her own bed. I cleared my throat loudly and she started awake. She blinked and calmed herself; I saw the moment her usual collectedness swept over her.

She removed her feet slowly from my desk and rubbed her eyes. ‘You took your sweet time,’ she muttered. ‘I told you I was tired.’

‘You did. I’m sorry I kept you waiting,’ I said honestly.

She shot me a reproachful look. ‘Lord Samuel never kept me waiting.’

I tried to hide my irritation but, from her slight smirk, I guessed that I failed. ‘I’m here now. What would you like to talk about?’

‘The candle in the room. Did you notice it?’

I nodded.

‘It’s a potion in solid form. The candle, when lit, is used to deliberately confuse a wolf’s senses. Its strong scent ensures that the werewolf can’t smell anything else, like illegal drugs, dead bodies or familiar scents.’

‘Great. Does it work on any other species?’

‘It works as a lovely, scented candle for the rest of us. No one else has super-scenting abilities that need to be interfered with. It’s illegal, of course. But there you go.’

‘Mark was given a highly regulated potion used by the Connection to discombobulate prisoners during transport. Apparently it affects their ability to control their bodies.’

‘I know the one you mean. It also affects their memories and makes them more susceptible to suggestion. It’s a nasty potion, known catchily as 3418. Only a handful of us are licensed to brew it, and we can only sell to the Connection.’

‘So someone is selling it illegally.’

‘Or someone is stealing it from the Connection’s stores,’ Amber pointed out. ‘It’s not always the witch that’s in the wrong you know.’ She glared, affronted.

‘Sorry. But can you give me those names?’

‘No. I’ll look into it myself and let you know what I find.’ She moved as if to stand up.

‘Archie doesn’t remember his attacker, but there’s a chance his wolf might. Can you scry the wolf’s mind?’

She sat down again. ‘I’m not sure that’s ever been done,’ she said finally. ‘Let me do some research. Scrying hurts. The wolf needs to be prepared and willing for that. I won’t do it without his full consent.’

‘I’ll speak to him.’

She grabbed her bag from the floor. ‘I’ll be in touch,’ she said as she swept out of my room without a backward glance.

I slumped onto my desk and put my head on my arms. I was tired but still a bit antsy. The mansion didn’t feel safe anymore, and that pissed me off not just for my own sake but for all of the wolves that lived here. It was a stronghold; it wassupposedto be safe. I’d patrol tonight and see if I could keep it that way.

There was a quiet knock on my door. I sat up and tried to look alert. ‘Come!’

The door opened and I relaxed again as I encountered Manners’ baby blues. ‘Hey,’ I greeted him.
