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I snorted. ‘Most of the time our wolves are more civilised than we are. Humans have always been the real monsters in this life.’ I dug into my scrambled eggs and let Archie think on it.

Liam was looking at me speculatively across the kitchen. ‘What’s my wolf called?’

I shook my head. ‘I don’t know, we haven’t met yet.’

‘We hunted together,’ he pointed out.

‘Sure, but you were still in control. One day, when all this is over, I’ll see if I can say hi to your wolf.’ I guess I wasn’t keeping my piping ability so quiet anymore; only time would tell if it was a huge mistake.

‘How?’ Liam asked.

‘I’m a piper.’ I shrugged casually and carried on eating. They were both looking at me aghast, as if I’d casually announced that I was the devil incarnate. I ignored them, finished up my toast and eggs and washed them down with some orange juice.

I picked my duffel. ‘I’m going to get some sleep. I was up all night patrolling. I’ll see you both after a few hours’ kip. Stay here and watch my back, would you?’

They both straightened and gave firm nods. I walked into the room I’d used last time. I wanted to fall straight into the fresh sheets on the bed but I really needed a shower. I peeled off my clothes and turned on the shower to hot. I could almost imagine Esme wagging in my head – she loves a hot shower.

I washed quickly but found my eyes sliding shut under the warmth of the spray. I dragged myself out of the shower and towel-dried my hair but I couldn’t be bothered to dry it. I needed sleep. I tumbled towards the bed, and in minutes I was out.

Chapter 21

Iawokefeelingrefreshedand ready to roll. I checked the time: 1pm. I’d only had just over four hours sleep, but being a werewolf sure has its upsides.

My tummy was rumbling again, so I got dressed and took a minute to French braid my blonde hair out of the way. I moisturised my face, swiped on the barest brush of mascara and counted it as a good job.

I rang my mum for a quick chat. She was on her way back in from a long shift so we didn’t talk long, but it was nice to hear her voice. She always has such unwavering faith in me, and it always helps me feel stronger.

I headed into the kitchen feeling pumped and ready to face the day. The boys had been talking but they fell silent when I walked in. Jeez, it was enough to make a girl paranoid. ‘Morning,’ I greeted them cheerfully.

‘Alpha.’ Liam nodded. ‘You look well rested.’

‘I am, thank you. Is there anything up here to eat?’

‘Bacon sandwich?’ Liam offered.

‘Yes, please! That’d be great. Is there any coffee on the go?’

Archie went to the kettle to make me a coffee whilst Liam turned on the grill and started sorting out some food. There are definitely benefits to being the boss.

Archie slid me a glass of OJ. ‘How do you like your coffee?’ he asked.

‘Milky and one sugar.’

‘My dad always called that wussy coffee,’ he mumbled.

I smiled. ‘Then one wussy coffee over here, please.’

‘Coming up.’

A few minutes later I was eating a sandwich and drinking a hot, wussy coffee. I was feeling positive; yes, there’d been another attack but I knew it was a female werewolf, and right this minute the mansion was being converted into Fort Knox by a host of hunky brethren men. All for mate’s rates. Plus, my pack had done that kneeling thing, and it seemed like I was finally making them realise that all I wanted was for them to be happy and safe. Small goals in life bring the most happiness, possibly because they’re so achievable.

After I’d eaten my fill, I was eager to head downstairs, step through the portal and feel Esme again. I felt vulnerable without her, as if I were missing a limb – an important one, like my right arm.

Archie, Liam and I packed our duffels and cleaned up. It wouldn’t do to leave the apartment in a state, though no doubt Maxwell has it cleaned professionally between occupants. It’s always spotless.

The lunchtime crowd had rolled in and there was a queue for the portal. Liam was still in the Other, which was reassuring; I felt vulnerable in Common when so many Others undoubtedly had access to the full range of their powers.

We queued for a long ten minutes. Some dryads walked in and nodded to me in recognition. I didn’t know them from Adam, but I guess being alpha means everyone knows you.
