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‘Elena. She knows something. Maybe she only knew about Noah being forced to the black tourneys, but she’s been acting oddly. David said she blames Mark for her brother’s death.’

‘What do we know about the brother?’

‘Nothing,’ I admitted grumpily.

‘And her beef with Archie?’

‘They dated and he dumped her, broke her heart. She had the means and opportunity to dose Archie with the potion. He remembered getting drinks from her and Mrs Dawes.’

‘Is Mrs Dawes on the list?’

‘Hell, no! Besides the fact that she’s an actual saint, she loves Archie and treats him like a son. Jess told me she thought Mrs Dawes held a candle for Lord Samuel. I couldmaybesee her doing something about Mark, but it would have been a report to a higher power, not tying him to a chair and slicing and dicing him. Anddefinitelynot attacking Archie.’

‘I agree,’ Manners said. ‘We have a few suspects but no one that rings all the bells – though Elena might work if we can dig up more about the brother. For now, we’re back to the black tourneys.’

I sighed. ‘Great, that means we’ve got to mingle with the assholes tonight.’

My phone pinged and I pulled it out to read the message. It was from Jess.

No luck on identifying the vamp, everybody has been weirdly tight-lipped. They all know him but they’re lying about it. Nate’s out of town and not answering his phone. I’ve managed to persuade a local vampyr to talk to you in all your wolfish glory. He owes me, so I hope he’ll tell you the truth. You free now for a cloak-and-dagger rendezvous? X

I replied:Sure, when and where? X

Black Park, by the lake. In 20 mins. I’ll arrange an impartial third party to adjudicate. He’ll keep you safe. You take Manners, and he’ll take his daughter Mererid. X

I recognised the name; Mererid wasn’t especially common in these parts.

You managed to persuade the head of the local clan to meet with me?! Lord Wokeshire?

Yup. You’d better get moving.

On my way.

I looked up from my phone. ‘We have a date with a vampyr lord.’ Primping and pampering would have to wait, and I mentally removed the face mask from my beauty routine. Dammit, I love a mask.

Manners raised an eyebrow. ‘Do we? Okay. I’ll meet you outside in two minutes. I just need to grab some more weapons.’

Doesn’t he realise he is a weapon?asked Esme, confused.

It takes him a while to turn to wolf. Guns and knives are pretty instantaneous,I explained. It was easier than pointing out that for the first thirty-odd years of Manners’ life he’d been a soldier and his weapons of choice had been man-made. He probably wasn’t used to his wolf being an option.

Ah,Esme said in understanding.

I went outside to the drive. Bastion was leaning against a white Land Rover Discovery. He opened the passenger door for me. ‘Um. I’m on my way out,’ I said lamely.

He sent me an amused look. ‘I know. I’m the impartial third party Jinx has sent to ensure good behaviour. I can rip wolves or vampyrs to pieces in seconds if you misbehave – and you all know it.’ His dark eyes looked threatening and his whole being screamed predator. I wasn’t foolish enough to disagree.

Manners strolled out in time to hear Bastion’s explanation. ‘If you’re acting as a neutral party, we should take separate cars.’

‘Just hop in,’ Bastion growled. Manners hesitated then climbed in and Bastion started the car. As we drove off, he clarified the situation. ‘We’re taking my car because yours has been compromised.’

‘What do you mean “compromised”?’ I demanded.

‘Your car has been bugged.’

‘What the hell?’ I exclaimed. ‘This is real life. People don’t bug shit in real life.’

Bastion slid me a patronising glance and didn’t reply.
