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Vampyr!Esme hissed vehemently.

Hush. He has information we need.

Rip the answers from his body,she suggested.

Wow, she really didn’t like vampyrs. I guessed it wasn’t just werewolves that had issues with the vampyrs but the wolves themselves.

So many dead,she mourned.So many pups gone at their teeth. And they didn’t even eat their carcasses.It wasn’t the deaths but the sheer waste that upset her. Death for death’s sake made no sense to a wolf, whereas death to survive – to eat – was fine.

Settle down,I pleaded.I need to focus.

Fine. Filthy blood-letter.But she did turn around three times and settle down in my mind. I sent her a kiss and she sent me a nuzzle with a wet snout in response.

‘Lord Wokeshire,’ I greeted the vampyr neutrally. ‘Thank you for meeting with me.’

‘I owed Jinx,’ he said finally.

‘Me too,’ I admitted. ‘So we already have some common ground.’

His face remained impassive. Not the friendly crowd, so I decided to warm him up before going straight for the real issue. ‘Some of your vampyrs attacked one of my wolves,’ I started.

‘That has already been dealt with,’ he said coldly. ‘Reparations were paid, as set out under the Connection law.’

‘To whom were reparations paid?’

‘To the pack.’ His tone said ‘well, duh’ even if his words didn’t.

‘Who received the money for the pack?’ I clarified.

‘Mark Oates.’ Of course it was Mark. ‘And the vampyrs who carried out the attack?’

‘They were punished.’


‘That is a vampyr matter. They were punished and that is all you need to know. I do not intend to go over old ground. The attack has been dealt with and it will not be repeated.’ He stood as if to leave; he was hasty for a dead guy.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up the picture of the vampyr who’d been rude to me and who’d been lurking near the scene of Archie’s attack. ‘Do you know who this is?’ I asked.

Wokeshire froze before sitting back down. His face didn’t change, not so much as a blink, but it was so stony and impassive that I knew he was shocked. He was controlling every muscle not to reveal his surprise. His daughter, however, didn’t have as many centuries of practice as her father and her eyebrows shot up before she mastered her shock.

Lord Wokeshire continued to study the photograph as he worked out his response. ‘I can’t tell you about him,’ he said finally.

‘Can’t or won’t?’

‘Can’t. Each species has their own secrets and he is one of ours. What Icansay is that whatever he’s digging into, you need to stay far away from it.’

Not gonna happen. I changed tack. ‘Is he a newly turned vampyr?’

Lord Wokeshire seemed to consider whether he should respond. ‘No,’ he said finally. ‘He’s old.’

‘He acted like he didn’t know what a hall was,’ I said, thinking of his rude behaviour in Rosie’s.

‘That’s all it was,’ he replied dryly.

I shook my head, not getting his meaning.

‘Acting,’ Lord Wokeshire clarified.
