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‘This isn’t a social function,’ he reminded me tersely. ‘This is business.’

‘And why is it yours?’ I asked cheekily.

‘Because you’re Jess’s friend,’ he said, ‘and it would upset her if you died.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘Gee, thanks. I’m overwhelmed by your concern for my well-being.’

He ignored me. I sighed dramatically and slid into the limo. Manners climbed in next to me and Bastion sat opposite. The car started to move off as soon as the door was shut.

‘You’ve got a driver, Sam?’ Manners teased Bastion.

‘I’ve got everything,’ Bastion responded. Then he turned pointedly to the window and ignored us both.

‘Chatty guy,’ I whispered.

Manners seemed to have recovered his aplomb. He flashed me a two-hundred-watt smile. ‘You can’t get him to shut up,’ he agreed.

The drive to London wasn’t long and Manners and I talked casually. ‘What do you think of Ace?’ I asked suddenly.

He paused. ‘I think he has an agenda,’ he answered finally.

‘Don’t we all?’ I countered.


‘You have an agenda – you want to keep the pack safe.’

‘I want to keepyousafe,’ he corrected.

‘I don’t need to be kept safe. I’ve got Esme.’

‘You’re not infallible and you’re not immortal.’

‘I know that, but in comparison to a human we’re fast and strong. We’re fighters,’ I said proudly.

‘I know you are, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to be careful.’

‘We’re here,’ Bastion interrupted. Next to him was a large container like a hat box. He opened it and passed me a mask. It was so pretty, black and sparkly that I wanted to coo over it, like a jackdaw. Reluctantly, I secured it around my eyes instead. It was ornate and covered my face from the nose up.

I reapplied a fresh coat of lipstick – I love that fresh-on sheen. I was ready to rock and roll. Manners pulled on his mask, plain black like Bastion’s.

‘If we encounter trouble, follow me. I have an exit strategy,’ Bastion ordered.

I expected he had several, nevertheless I nodded my agreement. I hoped we wouldn’t need an exit strategy; I was hoping for a glass of wine and a few horrible fights that I could try not to watch.

Manners got out of the car first and held the door open for me. As I slid out, he offered me his arm. We waited for Bastion – but when he left the limousine, it wasn’t on two legs but on four. He was bigger than an ordinary lion and his four paws were huge.

My mouth dried instantly and every nerve in my body told me to run. Esme let out a sound like a hiss in my head and her fear terrified me because it was the first time I’d felt it. Bastion’s yellow eagle eyes met mine and I knew he missed nothing. We’d never seen him in griffin form up close and personal. After our chat with Wokeshire, Bastion had walked away from us first before shifting. I’d seen Bastion fighting once in griffin form but he’d been an aerial fighter on our team, and we’d been too busy dealing with the rival werewolves to focus too much on him. Now there were no distractions and his predatory scent permeated the air. A primeval reaction had us filled with wariness.

‘Lead the way,’ I managed to say, pleased I didn’t stutter.

Bastion’s white-feathered head moved impossibly fast, snapping left and focusing on the doorway where presumably we were going to try and gain entrance. It was dark and cold. I told myself that was why I was suddenly shivering.

We were outside a huge, cavernous warehouse with blacked-out windows. I had no idea where we were, but I could hear the river Thames. I couldn’t hear a single sound emanating from the building. Runes, I’d bet. I’m a fast learner.

Bastion reared back and hit the double doors with one decisive bang of his forepaw. They slid open to reveal a trio of troll bouncers dressed in black tabards. They had long flowing hair and large, pointy noses. They were also nearly seven feet tall and not so much well-muscled as bulky, like hulking rugby players. Suddenly I was less confident of our chances of fighting our way out if we needed to. Maybe Bastion knew what he was talking about when he mentioned an exit strategy.

Bastion didn’t present an invitation, he just stared down the trolls with his icy golden eyes until one of them stepped aside. Trying not to move too quickly, I followed.
