Page 52 of Hidden Lies

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I spread my hands, gesturing around. “And everyone here just knows this stuff?”

He laughed again. “Well, no, I doubt everyone does. Like I said, the school is big on safety and privacy. But if you’re around long enough, you hear things.”

“Wow,” I said quietly. “I had no idea.”

Devan’s face turned serious, and his fingertip came under my chin, tilting my head up to meet his gaze, and suddenly the mood in the room shifted. “Promise me you’ll stay away from Drew. Don’t cause trouble, even if he deserves it.”

His eyes were ice blue, the color I imagined the lake would be in the depths of winter, and I suddenly realized how close we were. He hadn’t let go of my chin either, and his fingertip was rough, a bright spot of warmth against my skin.

“I promise,” I said.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he said, his voice nearly a whisper.

With Micah it had started off as a tease, a trick in the supply closet, then a glancing brush of lips before he disappeared out my window, making me wonder if I was imagining things. With Devan, his intentions were clear the second his eyes met mine. The heat in their pale depths was unmistakable and my lips parted on an indrawn breath. His gaze dropped, following the motion, and a second later he leaned forward and his lips were on mine.


It was like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room and replaced with molten desire. I didn’t even realize how fast one could go from pondering a school’s criminal history to nearly shaking with lust, but in all honesty, it wasn’t like these feelings had come out of nowhere.

Every glance, every touch from Devan—from the first slide of his leg against mine when we’d played video games together weeks before, to the warm weight of his arm around my shoulder just minutes before—had been winding me tighter and tighter until I thought I might burst. And the slick, sliding pressure of his mouth on mine promised exactly that.

The flash of guilt that ran through me when I thought of Micah vanished as Devan’s hands rose to frame my jaw, tilting my head and holding me in place so he could take exactly what he wanted, parting my lips and sliding his tongue deep in one sweeping motion that left me breathless. My hands lifted of their own accord and tangled in his hair, feeling the silken strands twist in my fingers. I tugged slightly and he growled deep in his throat, the sound sending me reeling.

I’d been freezing cold, but suddenly I was burning hot, melting from the inside out, and I released his hair and slipped my hands under the hem of his shirt. His skin was still chilled from our time outside. My fingers slid up his back, reveling in the feel of every ridge of solid muscle.

He pulled back, and I made an involuntary sound, a kind of mewl of protest I didn’t even realize I could make, but then he grabbed the hem of his shirt and in one smooth motion it was up and gone, and my mouth fell open as I stared in shock at a body that was all smooth golden skin and rippling muscle.

Jesus. I’d known the guy was big, but I hadn’t imagined he was hiding a physique like that under his clothes. I barely had time to ogle him though, before his mouth was back on mine, urgent and relentless, the slick wet heat of his tongue sending sparks shooting through my entire body until I feared I’d ignite.

I shifted, desperately needing to be closer to him, and he grasped me around the ribs and jerked me onto his lap. I twisted, straddling him and bracing my legs on either side of his hips. Suddenly I felt him, the evidence of his own arousal pushing against the seam of my pants, right where I wanted him. It took everything I had not to grind myself against him. His hands came to my hips, sliding up my ribcage to cup my breasts, and my need was overwhelming, unable to tell which sensation to focus my attention on.

His lips left mine and traveled down my neck, licking and biting a blazing path until they reached the neckline of my sweater. Then his fingers dropped, toying with the hem as he raised his head to meet my eyes. I saw the question there in the depths, but I also saw the searing passion that matched my own, and rather than answer I dropped my own hands and yanked the garment over my head. For the first time, the burn scars on my arms didn’t cause more than a momentary flash of embarrassed discomfort that faded quickly when Devan didn’t even appear to notice them.

He pulled me against him in another feverish kiss, and the sensation of his skin against mine all along the length of my torso practically took my breath away. I ran my hands over the hard planes of his chest, marveling in the feel of him, and it was only when his hands came around my back, seeking the clasp of my bra, that the hazy voice in the back of my head grew louder, and I stilled him with a hand on his arm, pulling away slightly and trying to catch my breath.

“We’re in the middle of the living room floor,” I pointed out, because stating the obvious seemed necessary at the rate we were going.

He blew out a breath, dropping his hands to rest on the tops of my thighs. The weight pushed my core firmly down into his lap, and I couldn’t stop myself from wriggling slightly. It made us both groan.

“Do you want to stop?” His hands squeezed my thighs.

No, there was nothing my lust-addled brain wanted less than to stop, and yet…I didn’t know what time it was, or when the other guys got out of class. What if someone walked in on us like this? And it wasn’t just embarrassment I felt at the thought, it was also…guilt.

But Devan was waiting for an answer, and the words were out before I could stop them.

“I kissed Micah,” I confessed. “A few weeks ago. And before that, too. And I don’t know if—”

“I know,” he said.

“You know?”

“Yep. He told us.”

He’d told them? Why? And what exactly had he told them? He hadn’t even talked to me about what it meant, or how he felt.

My thoughts derailed slightly as Devan’s hands moved, sliding slowly up and down my thighs. He leaned close and pressed a soft kiss to my collarbone.

“Is that a problem?” he asked.
