Page 58 of Queen of the Dark

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“That was fucking amazing.” Cain murmurs contentedly after a moment. He chuckles, tilting his head to look at me. “Although to be honest, next time you walk into a room wearing nothing but a pair of heels and a sexy as fuck bra and panty set, I don’t know if any of us will have the self-control to let you take them off yourself. There’s a pretty good chance they’ll end up shredded to pieces and tossed aside like confetti.”

“Hm.” I grin lazily, tracing my fingertips over North’s leg. “You know you’re just making me want to do that more, right?”

“I fucking hope so.” Cain chuckles and kisses me hard.

We lounge around for a while longer, just enjoying each other’s company in the post sex haze. A feeling of absolute peace and contentment fills me up until I almost feel like I could float away in a bubble of pure happiness.

“Thank you for finding me,” I murmur quietly, and Raven leans over to press a kiss to my temple.

“We’ll always find you, Kiara,” he promises. “Even before we knew you were out there, I think we were searching for you. And now that you’re ours? We’ll never let you go.”

I grin, a goofy, wide smile that almost hurts my cheeks. I can already feel my body starting to think about another round, and although it’s very tempting, the moonlight outside is calling to me. It’s not that late, which means there’s still time to do a little exploring.

So much of my life was on the run as a thief, or hiding from Donovan. I was trying to be a human and live a boring life just so I could get away from being fae. I thought I would never have the kind of life where I could travel wherever I pleased, but now I can. It’s fucking amazing.

With a few more hungry, languorous kisses, we rouse ourselves from the couch and get cleaned up and dressed.

Once I’m back to my usual outfit of jeans and a comfy top, I step out of the cabin and into the fresh air. The air really is so crisp here, it makes me feel clean just by breathing in. It’s a bit cold outside, even though we came in the summer, but I don’t mind. I have three lovely mates to warm me up.

All three of them join me out on the porch, and I stare out at the stars. It’s gorgeous here, and I love it, but we won’t be staying here forever. There’s so much more of the world to explore, and now I’ll finally get a chance to do it.

Beside me, North shifts into a wolf. It’s a true wolf form this time, a massive black lupine form. He can still choose to transform into the more monstrous version, the half man/half wolf creature with viciously sharp claws. But it’s achoicenow, something that’s under his control. It’s been incredible watching him reconnect with both his fae and shifter sides, finally making peace with who he is and realizing what his best friends and I have known all along—that he’s amazing just the way he is.

That he’senough.

“Somebody feeling restless?” I tease, stroking my hand through his thick fur.

North turns his head and snuffles at my hand, and I grin at the feel of his wet nose against my skin. Then he howls up at the stars, a sound that makes me shiver with a primal sort of joy. With one more look at me and the other two men, he takes off, tearing over the land.

Cain grins at me as he lets his demon form rise to the surface, his skin heating as his eyes glow. Raven shifts into gargoyle mode, then spreads his wings and picks me up. He shoots Cain a look, a grin passing over his stony features. “Think you can keep up?”

“Well, I don’t have wings or four legs, but I’m no damn slouch.” Cain chuckles, making a show of stretching out his quads like a runner getting ready for a race. “Let’s do this.”

Raven tightens his grip on me and launches us into the air, flapping his powerful wings as he carries me in the direction North ran. Below us, Cain darts through the trees, his body glowing slightly in the darkness of the night.

“This might just be the best night of my life,” Raven murmurs in his gravelly voice, cradling me against his hard chest.

“And it’s not over yet,” I point out, tilting my head to look up at him. “Who knows what we’ll get up to in the woods… all alone. No one to hear us…”

He laughs, and the joyous sound hits me right in the chest. As the wind whips at my hair, my heart soars even higher than Raven’s wings can carry us.

A lifetime of adventure with these three beautiful monsters? It sounds better than anything I could’ve ever dreamed up.

* * *
