Page 16 of Work Benefits

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“Don’t I know it,” he muttered. “I got told to quit being a dick last night by the wife, so you ain’t lying.”

I chuckled at that. “Just be grateful that you have a woman merciful enough to put up with your ass.”

Just then, Skylar’s laughter cut through the room. “Sounds like they’re having fun in there,” Edison remarked, and I had to clench my fists.

“Yeah,” I muttered. “Lansing’s been in there for a while now.”


I nodded. “Yep.”

Clint Lansing was one of Edison’s guys. “That fucker was supposed to come up here just to get some serial numbers for a few of those new work permits that we have to fill out now,” he stated. “I didn’t send him up here to flirt with Skylar.”

“All the single guys flirt with her,” I remarked, not even caring if the tone of my voice might be giving me away.

“They’re lucky she’s cool like that,” he snorted. “We’d have no mechanics left if she weren’t.”

“No shit,” I huffed. “I’m all for protecting women in the workplace, but all this having to keep our eyes down, our mouths shut, and our opinions to ourselves seems like a little bit of overkill.”

Edison shot me a look. “Don’t let modern-day America hear you say that,” he drawled out. “They’ll take all their righteous anger out on you.”

“And now you know why I don’t have any social media accounts or shit like that,” I told him. “I don’t need to post a comment about my mother cooking me dinner, then get crapped on for ‘chaining my mother to the belief that she belongs in the kitchen’. Yeah, no thanks.”

Edison laughed. “I’m with you. I don’t have that shit, either. I already worry every day if I’m being a good enough husband or father, so the last thing that I need is a bunch of people telling me that I’m not, simply because I don’t think like they do.”

“It’s fucking awful,” I agreed. “Plus, I have my own little life motto that I live by.”

“What’s that?”

“If you don’t have the power to ruin Christmas at my house, then I couldn’t give two fucks what you think.” Edison laughed again. “I know who matters in my life and who doesn’t. I’ve never been confused about that.”

Skylar’s laughter broke through our conversation again, and it was clear that Edison’s patience had come to its end.

“If you’ll excuse me,” he said. “I have a wayward mechanic that needs help finding his way.”

I smirked. “Not a problem.”

However, therewasa problem.

A big one.

Well, big by my definition.

Skylar was treating me like she’d always treated me, and it wasn’t hard for me to imagine her running her victory lap. When I had walked into work this morning, she had greeted me like she always did, but that hadn’t been all. She had also greeted all the other assholes like she normally did.

There’d been no sly looks, no smirks, no batting of the eyelashes, no anything. She’d gone about her business like I hadn’t just had my dick buried in her ass last night. Now, while my head was trying to rationalize that it was a matter of respect, and that Skylar should at leastacknowledgethat I was a little more than just one of the many supervisors here now, my dick was laughing at me.

I was screwed.

I was so totally, totally screwed.



Iwasn’t sure what was going on, but I could feel that something was off with Landen. While there were a lot of people that didn’t believe in it, I believed in a person’s energy. I believed that people gave off certain vibes as a warning or a welcoming, and Landen’s vibes did not feel at all welcoming today.

Now, granted, we hadn’t gotten a whole lot of sleep last night, so it could be that. It had also been one hell of a long week, so there was that, too. It could be that he pulled a muscle last night with all the positions we had been in. Hell, it could be a lot of things. Whatever it was, it was clear that getting laid on the regular was not the solution to his grumpy disposition, so Isaac and Franklin had been wrong on that score.
