Page 24 of Work Benefits

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Before Landen could say anything more, I was walking out of his office, making my way back towards mine. Now, while I wanted to shut the door and just hide for a moment, my pride wouldn’t let me.

Sheer spitefulness had my office door wide the hell open.

Chapter 9


It was almost quitting time, but the downside to that was that it was only Tuesday. I had three more days to get through, then I could forget about Landen Rush for a couple of days.

The real sad part about ending our friends-with-benefits arrangement was that it was clear that we weren’t going to be able to remain friends. At least, not like we had been before. Landen had let his feelings get in the way, and though that should make me happy, it didn’t. Sure, I’d won the debate about who caught feelings easier, men or women, but I was pretty sure that I’d just lost a friend with that win.

Plus, I liked Landen. Hell, if I was being honest with myself, I probably more than liked him. I was pretty sure that I was caught up in that grey area between like and love. Not only was he gorgeous as hell and sexy in that masculine, rugged way, but the man was also phenomenal with his dick.

I’d had to work hard not to go all stage-five-clinger girly on him after that first week of us screwing almost every night, but I’d done it. I had treated him like nothing had changed, and I hadn’t demanded anything of him. I’d done it because I had believed him when he’d said that he wasn’t the type of guy to catch feelings.

So, not only was I out a friend now, but I was going to have to get rid of the other feelings that I had for Landen because it was clear that we weren’t going to be able to make a go of things. In hindsight, he probably should have just asked me out like a normal person, and I should have accepted like a normal person. Instead, we were a mess.

The sound of my office door shutting snapped me out of my thoughts, and when I looked up, it was to see Landen shutting the door behind him, locking it.

“What are you doing?” I asked warily as I stood up from behind my desk. It was one thing to shut the door, but there was no need to lock it. Swing shift was already here, even if everyone from the day shift had already left.

The man didn’t answer me as I watched him storm my way, and if this was what I thought it was, then I had to be more in my feelings than I had originally believed to let him do this. Not only could we both get fired for this, but the man had acted like a complete asshole earlier.

When he was standing in front of me, I repeated my question. “Landen, what are you doing?”

“What the fuck do you think?” he growled, and men weren’t the only ones that were weak when it came to sex.

“We’re at work-”

“Ask me if I give a fuck,” he kept growling as his hands went to the button on my jeans.


Suddenly, he had my chin in his grip, and he was glowering down at me. “If you’re going to go out on a date with Cory, then you’re going with your pussy full of my cum,” he said, and his words had me feeling positively lightheaded.

“What are you talking about?” I squawked. “The barbecue isn’t until Saturday.”

“I know,” he said. “So, I’m going to fuck you as much as humanly possible between now and then.”


“If you do end up deciding that you want to ride Cory’s dick, then he’s going to have to slide inside you while I’m leaking out of you.”

Landen was basically calling me a whore, and he was being offensive as hell, but his possessive side had me saying nothing as he unzipped my jeans.

I also didn’t say anything when Landen grabbed my hips, then spun me around, bending me over my desk. His hands were yanking my jeans down, and I shamelessly dropped my head on my desk and waited for him to fill me up.

However, I started questioning everything when I felt Landen begin removing my shoes. I only wore my steel-toed boots when I had to go into the actual facility, so it was easy for Landen to remove my regular sneakers and socks.

When he was done with that, he pulled my jeans completely off, and I couldn’t understand why he was going to all this effort when all that he had to do was keep me bent over my desk.

I felt Landen’s hands back on my hips, and when he turned me back around, he lifted me, then sat me on the edge of my desk. There was no mistaking the ripping sounds as Landen stuck his hand between my legs, then yanked my panties to the side hard enough to tear.

He grabbed my chin again, and his next words explained everything. “I’m going to make sure that it’smyfucking face that you see while my cock is buried deep inside your cunt.”

I wanted to tell him the truth about Cory, but I couldn’t. No matter what was driving Landen to be such a possessive asshole, I couldn’t tell Cory’s secret. Still, this was about more than telling Cory’s secrets; this was about Landen not being able to be direct and honest with me.

Landen stepped in between my spread legs, and he had his pants undone and his dick out in record time. Looking at him fisting that thing in his hand, I wondered how I was going to be able to stay quiet enough not to send someone banging on my office door.
