Page 26 of Work Benefits

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We were a fucking mess.

“You’re wearing jeans,” I reminded her. “The denim is thick enough to get you home.”

Skylar eyed me. “That still doesn’t mean that this wasn’t the stupidest thing that we’ve ever done, Landon.”

“I never said that it wasn’t.”

“Look, Land-”

I took her face in my hands. “You win,” I told her.

“Landen…” she sighed.

“You win, and I don’t give a fuck if you throw it in my face for the rest of our lives,” I continued. “I’m done pretending that you’re just a fuck. It was stupid of me to believe that you could ever be just a fuck. I care about you, and I’m not going to just stand back and let other fuckers get at you.”

“Cory’s not trying to get at me,” she argued.

“I don’t care,” I snapped. “This is more than just about Cory, Skylar.”

“Jesus, Landen, can I at least get dressed?” she asked, and I’d forgotten that she didn’t have her pants on.

Stepping back, I reached for her jeans, then slid them up her legs as she stayed seated on her desk. When I got to her knees, she jumped off and let me finish putting her back together. After I buttoned her jeans, I planted her back on the desk, then went to putting her socks and shoes back on.

When we were both finally clothed and looking reasonably decent, I said, “I’m going to text you my address, and if you’re not a coward, you’ll show up there tonight. We need to figure this shit out because, not only do we work together, but I’m not letting you go without a fight, Skylar.”

The girl did not disappoint when she said, “I’m going to that barbecue with Cody on Saturday. I made a commitment to him, and I’m not going to back out of it simply because you finally decided to get honest about your feelings.”

“Goddamn it-”

“And if you ever talk to me like that again while we’re having sex, it’ll be the last thing that you ever do,” she threatened. Only instead of feeling threatened, I actually felt relieved. She phrased it as if we were going to be having sex again in the future, and that was a good thing.

I stepped back to give her some space. “Six o’clock at my place, Skylar,” I told her. “Don’t make me come get you.”

She flipped me off before going to open her office door, effectively dismissing me.

Chapter 10


It was a fifty-fifty on whether Skylar would show or not. She was stubborn as hell, so I could see that keeping her from showing up. However, I also knew that she cared about me, too. The only reason that I was so confident about that was because it was the only explanation for her putting up with my shit when she didn’t have to.

When I heard a knock at my door, I grinned. For a lot of reasons, I was glad that she’d chosen to meet this head-on.

Opening the door, Skylar stood on the other side, eyeing me like she wanted to give me a serious piece of her mind. Honestly, I wouldn’t have expected less. The woman was a firecracker in bed, so I could see her passions also flaring when she was pissed.

I stepped back, opening the door wider, and she walked in like she’d been here before. My house was a basic three-bedroom structure that came with the standards; three bedrooms, two and a half baths, living room, kitchen, dining room, and study. My favorite thing about the house was the deck in the backyard. One day, I planned on putting in a pool just to get some real use out of the deck.

When I shut the door behind me, Skylar turned around to face me. “Well, I’m here,” she stated unnecessarily, and this was definitely a put up or shut up moment.

“We’re done with this friends-with-benefits crap,” I said, coming clean like I should have in the beginning. “We’re done hiding our relationship, and we’re done with that fucking hotel room.”

“Weare?” she asked, looking at me blankly.

I walked towards her. “Don’t give me that shit, Skylar,” I told her. “No matter what we agreed upon, I know that you have feelings for me, too.”

“And how do you know that?” she challenged.

“Because you haven’t kicked me in the balls yet for the way I’ve been behaving,” I answered dryly. “You should have called this thing off after that first week, and you and I both know it.”
