Page 14 of Blowback

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Boyd says, “Nothing to worry about. Let’s haul ass.”

From the other side of his waist, Liam pulls out a smaller pistoland charred notebook, drops them near the door. The operators help him and Boyd load up the containers, and they go out in a quick line to the van.

The four operators slip inside the rear of the TNT Express–disguised van and assist Liam and Boyd in returning the dolly and storage cases into the rear.

The doors are slammed.

Boyd goes to the left.

Liam goes to the right.

Both get into the van, and before Liam gets his seat belt fastened, Boyd starts up the van and in less than a minute, they are back onto the E-20 highway.

Liam doesn’t say anything and neither does Boyd.

The mission is still underway and won’t be finished until they and the gear are out of Russia.

Boyd says, “About that woman soldier …”

“Yeah?” Liam asks.

“What would you have done if she hadn’t pulled a piece on us?”

A kilometer passes.

Liam says, “Boyd?”


“Never ask me that, ever again.”

Two more kilometers pass and Liam’s cell phone chimes.

What the hell,he thinks, digging it out of his jacket. This is a CIA-supplied burner phone, only to be used among the crew and with the CIA station back in the American embassy in Helsinki, and only in an emergency.

Nobody should be texting him.

Liam calls up the screen.

The incoming phone number says BLOCKED.

But there’s a one-line message:


Boyd is still focused on their driving.

“What is it?” he asks. “Some car warranty company from Moscow checking in on you?”

Liam puts his phone away.

Sierra is the Secret Service code name for President Barrett.

“Our boss just said good job,” Liam says.

Boyd looks at him with amazement. “Barrett? How the hell does he know already?”

Liam says, “Former head of the Agency and Secretary of Defense, he’s still got friends and assets in high places.”
