Page 82 of Blowback

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“Best I can do,” she says. “Two Extra Strength Tylenol. It’ll help take the edge off.”

He looks at the familiar pills, squeezes them.

“Thanks, Lin.”

She smiles, goes to the door.

“Hang in there, sweetie. I’ll get you out.”

Then she works the door and she’s gone.

He rests there, thinking of what just happened.

Lin is alive.


He slowly rolls over, so he’s facing the concrete wall.

But what does that mean?

Is she still following orders? Was this still the process of softening him up, make him more hopeful that at some point he’ll be freed through her actions?

Was she the proverbial honey pot?

Fairly sure he’s out of view of the surveillance cameras inside his cell, he brings his clenched fist to his face, opens it.

The two caplets are white with red numbers.

They certainly do look like Extra Strength Tylenol.

But could they be something else?

Could she be trying to poison him, kill him so he doesn’t suffer anymore?

Benjamin closes his eyes.

I love you, Ben.

He opens his mouth and swallows the two pills dry.

She’s alive.

Chin Lin is alive.


NOA HIMEL IS walking across the dirt and gravel parking lot of the Tuckerman Roadhouse outside of Langley when a black Jeep Wrangler with oversized tires roars up and suddenly brakes, tossing up bits of dirt.

The passenger door swings open, and Liam is leaning across.

“Hurry up, get in.”

She clambers up and Liam starts driving out of the parking lot. She tries to close the door and fasten her seat belt at the same time.

He barely brakes at the road, and takes a left, speeding up.

Noa says, “Nice to see you again, Liam.”
