Page 38 of Love Walks In

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“Funny. I don’t want to talk to you.”

Hunter held up a folder. “Just some revised plans, that’s all.”

“Not interested.”

“I’ll leave them here.” He set the folder on the counter, moving almost deliberately closer to her.

Aria’s insides tightened. She could practically feel his body heat, even though a good three feet still separated them.

The cat began mewling in little bursts. Hunter’s gaze went to the enclosed crate. “Is that Porkchop?”

Max lifted his eyebrows. “You know him?”

“We met the other night.” Hunter bent to peer through the grated door. “Where’s he going?”

“He hurt his leg,” Aria admitted grudgingly. “Max is a vet, and he’s taking Porkchop to his clinic for an X-ray.” Aware of Max’s growing curiosity, she added, “Max, this is Hunter Armstrong of Imperial Properties. He helped me rescue Porkchop.”

The two men exchanged abrupt nods of acknowledgement.

Hunter straightened. “Did his injury happen the other night?”

“I think so,” Aria said. “He might have sprained his leg, but he didn’t start limping until yesterday.”

“I don’t think it’s anything serious,” Max added, “but I’ll give him a full exam at the clinic. Good of you to have helped Aria out.”

Hunter nodded. His phone buzzed. Pulling it from his pocket, he settled his gaze on Aria. “We’ll talk later.”

“We have nothing to talk about.”

“Then I’ll talk. You can be quiet and listen.”

Before she could respond, he left the café. The door shut behind him.

“Damn.” Max whistled into the sudden silence. “Territorial bastard.”

Aria swung her gaze to him. “What?”

“The vibe he was throwing off.” Max picked up Porkchop’s crate and started toward the door. “Threatening and territorial. Staking his claim on you.”

“What the…I am not aparcel of land.”

He shrugged. “Men stake claims on women, whether they like it or not.”

“What are you talking about?” Aria followed him outside, her skin heating at the idea of Hunterclaimingher. “The only claim he wants to stake is on Mariposa. Not me.”

“He wants both.” Max set the crate into the van and closed the door.

“And you know this how?” Aria stopped on the sidewalk, fisting her hands on her hips. “Through some macho male telepathy?”

“A guy acts like that around a girl, no telepathy needed. Situation understood.” Max walked to the driver’s side and pulled out his keys. “The problem is that women are never as transparent. That’s why you always keep us guessing.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” She couldn’t help glancing in the direction Hunter had gone.

Territorial? No way.

“I’ll text you before I drop Porkchop off tomorrow.” Max climbed into the driver’s seat. “Good luck keeping that dude away from you. As far as he’s concerned, he’s NASA, and you’re the moon.”

He winked and drove off.

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