Page 112 of And I Love Her

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He also knew how to cook—Rory had heard, anyway—and he treated his customers as if they were guests in his home. He looked people in the eye and listened—reallylistened—to their stories and tales of woe. He was every man’s buddy and every woman’s dream guy.

The interesting part was that no one really knew much about him. He’d moved to Bliss Cove five years ago after buying the Mousehole, and he’d eased seamlessly into town life without so much as a wrinkle.

Next thing anyone knew, he was servingsteak au poivreand fine wine alongside cheeseburgers and artichoke soup, offering his opinion on local politics, showing up at town events, and talking to residents as if he’d lived there forever. He pitched for the Bliss Cove Rockets, volunteered at a nearby food pantry, and was known for being an easy touch when it came to school fundraisers and sponsorships.

The only frustration he caused was among single women who couldn’t figure out, or become part of, his love life. He’d dated occasionally, and rumor had it that he sometimes hooked up with women in neighboring towns, but he never seemed to be part of a couple.

Must have something to do with him not wanting anyonearound.

Well, Rory could relate. Which made her the perfect candidate for renting the cottage.

“Grant, my lease expires on Friday.” She tapped her finger on the bar to emphasize her point as he approached her again. “The job doesn’t start until after Thanksgiving. I need a place to stay until then.”

“What about your mother or sisters?” He grabbed her crumpled napkin and tossed it in the trash.

“I can’t stay with them.” Rory ate another piece of onion and held out her hand, ticking off all the reasons on her fingers. “Mom’s still with Henry and I’m sure he stays overnight, even if she’d never admit that. Callie’s course load is crazy with the start of the new semester, and Jake is using the spare bedroom as an office to work from home. I can’t impose on Aria and Hunter with everything they have going on. None of the apartment owners will give me a short-term lease, and the B&Bs and the Outside Inn are booked for parents’ weekend and then the Harvest Festival. I can’t couch surf with friends either, not with my computer and stuff.”

“So get rid of the computer andstuff.”

“Iworkon my computer, you luddite.”

He shrugged. “That could be part of the problem.”

“It’s only for two months.” She forced down the rising desperation in her tone. “I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”

“Funny.” He started mixing a drink for another customer.

“I wouldn’t even bearoundmuch.” Rory pushed her plate away in exasperation. “I’m still working at Sugar Joy, and at night, I’m just on my computer. I even have headphones, so you won’t hear anything if the windows are open. In fact, I’ll keep the windows closed. And the curtains drawn, so the glow from the computer screen doesn’t intrude on your hobbit hole.”

He shot her a look that was a mixture of amusement and irritation. “No.”

“Grant.” Bracing her feet on the stool rung, she leaned across the bar and grabbed the front of his forest-green T-shirt. The soft, warm material crushed in her fist. “Let me rent the cottage.”

“I don’t rent the cottage. Given how long it’s been since someone was there, I doubt it’s even habitable anyway.” He put his hand over hers to pull her grip away. His fingers engulfed hers, shocking her with sudden awareness.

He stilled. She clutched his shirt. Energy suddenly charged through the air. Her knuckles pressed against the incredibly solid wall of his chest. His body heat burned through the cotton. He tightened his grip on her hand.

Never before had she noticed how big his hands were. His inner wrist pressed right against hers. She swore she could feel their pulses beating together. His blood thumped swift and heavy beneath his skin.

What the….?

Forcing her fingers to unclench, she yanked her hand away and sat back down. Her heart was beating oddly fast. She took a healthy swallow of scotch, which did nothing to quench an unexpected surge of desire.

Grant flicked his gaze over her, as if he knew exactly what that brief contact had done to her. Acute self-consciousness flooded her, burning her cheeks.

Ugh.She hated reacting like a girl.

Rory shoved off the stool and dug her wallet out of her jeans pocket. She tossed a twenty on the counter. “I gotta go.”

She grabbed her jacket and fled.
