Page 114 of Words of Love

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“I had an idea about freelancing for the magazine when I was meeting with all the editors and staff,” Brooke explained. “I did some research and found out that many of their writers and contributors work remotely. So I brought up the idea to Jillian, a contract where I can still work at least part-time from Bliss Cove.

“She was hesitant at first, but after we talked, she said we might be able to work something out. We’re still negotiating, and likely we’ll do a trial period, but it sounds promising. It would mean making trips to New York a few times a year, or somehow dividing my time, but it would be a way for me to both keep the job and not leave Bliss Cove entirely.”

“That’s amazing.” He let out his breath and shook his head. “You would have the best of both worlds.”

“I think so, too.” She eased closer, slipping her arms around his waist. “Would you be okay with some long-distance time apart?”

“Brooke.” He tilted her face to look up at him and brushed his thumb against her cheek. “When you need to go to New York, I’ll go with you. And the rest of the time, I’d love to stay here with you. But honestly, wherever you want to go, wherever you want to stay, I’ll be there. I just want to be with you. Bliss Cove is one of my favorite places in the world, but you’re my home. You’re my nest.”

Happiness swept over her like a sunrise. “And you’re my hero.”

His eyes warm with love, Sam lowered his head. She stood on her tiptoes, and their lips met again.

As the kiss deepened, a nearby voice that sounded like Mayor Bowers remarked, “Iknewthose two weren’t just whistling Dixie up in that cabin.”
