Page 56 of Words of Love

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“This really is none of your business.” She gestured to the blanket fort. “Telling you my secrets doesn’t mean you’re allowed to criticize what I choose to do. And it’s not as if I’m being totally selfless in trying to forgive him. I want a contract to write forEmpire.”

“Empireis not the only periodical out there! In fact, it’s not even in the top ten. You can do so much better than relying on a—”

A knock sounded at the door, stopping his words. Brooke pressed a hand to her thumping heart. She and Sam stared at each other, as if they were both stunned by the evidence that there were other people in the world.

The knock came again, louder.

Muttering a curse, Sam stalked to the door and yanked it open. Two stocky forest rangers, clad in khakis and dark jackets, stood on the doorstep.

“Morning.” The older, grizzled ranger nodded at Sam. “You Donovan?”


“Larry Owens, ranger station twenty. This is my colleague, Warwick.”

The men exchanged greetings. Larry glanced past Sam’s shoulder at Brooke.

She rubbed her bare arms, wishing she was wearing more than her pajamas. She gave Larry a little wave.

“You okay, miss?” He waved back and skimmed his gaze over the blanket fort.

“Fine, thanks, officer…ranger…sir.”

Sam stepped in front of the ranger, blocking her from the other man’s sight. “Can we help you?”

“Just letting you know the road’s clear all the way down.” Warwick jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Suggest you head back before nightfall. There’s another storm front turning in our direction. Doesn’t look as bad, but you never know.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“You need help with anything?”

“Not at all.”

“You, miss?” Warwick craned his neck to see around Sam’s shoulder.

“We’re fine.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Thanks for stopping by. Would you like some coffee?”

“No, we’ve got other stops to make.” Larry tipped his hat to her. “Drive safely.”

Only after Sam had closed the door behind the two men did Brooke realize that a weight was starting to press down on her heart.

Obviously, she’d known they’d leave the cabin at some point, but part of her wished for just a little more time here with Sam. It felt as if they had a whole mess of unfinished business, and she had no idea how they would figure any of it out back in Bliss Cove.

Where they’d been polite, distant acquaintances.

Silence stretched between them, taut and thin.

“Well.” Forcing a bright note into her voice, she gathered up her notebook and walked to her open suitcase. “Finally, huh? I was beginning to think we’d never get out of here.”

She began refolding her clothes. Her hands were shaking.

She wasn’t exactly naïve…at least, not anymore. She’d experienced desire, lust, and what she’d thought was love. Her heart had been scorched, and she’d cried bucket-loads of tears over more than one man.

She knew quite well that sex didn’tneedromance to be good, as she and Sam had both so eagerly proven last night. It was a lovely enhancement, icing on an already delectable cake, but it wasn’t a requirement. For a fictional romance, yes, but not in real life.

Not even in hers.

She felt Sam’s tension as if it were palpable. She suddenly wished he would settle his hand on the back of her neck. She wanted him to press his lips against her forehead and assure her that though their circumstances had been a mistake,theywere not.
