Page 80 of Book of Love

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But if Ray was eating a freaking bacon burger again…

She parked and walked into the tavern. Rory Prescott hurried over. “Hey, Grace. You meeting someone?”

“No, just looking for my father. Has he been in today?”

“Not that I know of.” Rory pointed her thumb toward the bar. “Want me to check with Grant?”

“I’ll go over and ask him. Thanks.” Grace wove her way around the tables and checked in with the handsome bartender.

“He was here last night and mentioned he was going over to the boxing gym with Sam’s brother today.” Grant tossed a dishtowel aside and pulled out his phone.

“Boxing gym?” Grace blinked. “My father?”

“I don’t know if that’s where they are, but here’s the place.” Grant held his phone out to her.

“Thanks.” Grace studied the details and hitched herself onto a barstool. “Can I get a vodka cranberry?”

“Sure.” He set a cocktail napkin in front of her and turned to mix the drink.

She texted Lincoln:Are you and my father boxing right now?

A few minutes later, a video popped up of her father punching a heavy bag.

Lincoln:Where are you?


Lincoln:Are you glaring?

Grace:No. But why didn’t either of you tell me?

Lincoln:Figured it was up to him. Almost done. Will meet you there.

Grant put the drink in front of her as soon as she set her phone down.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

She nodded and sipped the drink, then glanced at her watch.

Honestly, this was great. Her father was going out, meeting new people, starting an exercise program. Pretty much what she’d been trying to encourage him to do for the past six months. Lincoln had apparently accomplished the task in just a few weeks.

She’d finished the drink by the time the two men came in, both showered and radiating post-workout endorphins.

“Best thing I’ve done in a while.” Ray punched the air. “Doc says it’s great cardio and strength, not to mention balance.”

Grace was glad she didn’t have to ask if he’d spoken with his doctor before starting the program. They sat down in a booth to order dinner.

“Salmon for me.” Ray handed the menu back to Rory.

Grace raised an eyebrow. “I thought you hated fish.”

“Read that it’s a super food.” Ray shrugged and reached for his club soda. “Who knew?”

Everyone else in the world.

What was the matter with her? Why was she feeling out of sorts and snarky?

She felt Lincoln’s penetrating gaze on her as they ate and made small talk. Actually, Ray talked most of the time about his father’s love of boxing and some championship match that had stopped the earth from rotating until the winner was declared.

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