Page 97 of It'll Always Be Her

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“I never meant for everything to get so messed up.” She wanted to approach him, to take his hand or touch his face orsomething, but she’d weaken if she did. And right now—for his sake—she had to stay strong.

“And I really didn’t mean to derail everything you’ve been working for,” she continued. “Much less throw you into a conflict with Clyde and a bunch of executives.”

“You didn’t do any of that,” he retorted. “I own everything I’ve done. And even though I don’t believe in ghosts, I do believe that if you’re given a job, you should do it to the best of your ability, no matter what it is. That’s what I’m doing with the episode. Even if you hadn’t been involved, it’s a great story. I want it told the right way.”

So did Bee. But what would the fight cost Adam? The professors and physicists who’d once populated his world didn’t care about a ghost-hunter show, but they still knew that Adam was the scientific expert. Heck, he’d been appearing on every episode for the past six months.

More like than not, the top-level scientists would ask him about the show at the interviews and meetings…and not for anything did Bee want a TV channel conflict interfering in his “real” life.

The scientists should be asking Adam about his views of quantum electrodynamics…not laughing about him communicating with the dead.

“Adam.” She pulled a breath into her aching lungs and reminded herself that it was hardly the first time she’d lost someone. “Please put this all aside right now. Go to Washington, talk to the people you’re planning to meet, and enjoy your parents’ anniversary. We both know that even if this had nothing to do with ghosts, it would be better if I don’t go with you.”

His expression darkened. “If it had nothing to do with ghosts, youwouldgo with me.”

Bee started to respond when his phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with the nameRich Thompson. It rang twice more before she nodded toward it.

“You’d better take that,” she said.

Adam muttered a curse under his breath and grabbed the phone. “Yeah.”

Bee heard the other man’s voice rising in anger on the other end. She curled her hand around the back of a chair.

Adam listened to Rich shout, then responded with a curt, “Fine. Send me whatever you need me to sign.”

He ended the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket.

“Did he just fire you?” Bee asked.

“Not from the show.” His mouth twisted. “But from the episode. They’ve hired a new director to finish it.”

Bee’s stomach knotted. “Who?”

“Clyde Constantine.”

In the back of her mind, Bee heard the front door slam shut.
