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He held up a hand. “I’ll take care of my truck.”

Her tiny nostrils flared as anger sparked in her brown-sugar eyes. She glanced at the door and then back to him. “I always pay my debts. We both know nothing in life is ever free. So, send me the bill.”

He was going to argue, to tell her he was sorry for so much more, but Doctor Stanley walked in.

“Oh, Belle. I just heard your brother was brought in. Are you okay?”

Belle nodded and walked towards the door. “I’m fine, Rick. Thanks for asking.”

Bently ground his teeth together and forced himself to stay put as Rick put his hand on Belle’s shoulder. Chaos broke out inside him. He wanted to be the one to comfort her.

“If you need to reschedule tomorrow, let me know,” Rick said as they disappeared around the corner.

His chest was heaving as if he’d just run a marathon. Jealousy burned his guts and they twisted into a million intricate knots.

There was no way he was going to give up. He loved her, and he’d prove it. He’d beg for a second chance, or whatever number they were on now. Maybe they had been doomed from the start. Maybe not. Perhaps he’d gotten in his own way and sabotaged this.

Failing was not attempting to try—wasn’t that what Mikel had said?

You’re nothing. You’re weak. His father’s voice echoed in his mind.

No. Maybe I once was, but not this time. Not for her. I’ll be better. I’ll get back up. For Belle, I’ll do anything.


The bounce of the ball got louder the closer Bently moved to the near-empty basketball court. Two other kids dribbled down the opposite end. TJ shot and made the basket with a swoosh of the net before he jogged to grab the ball.

“Nice shot.”

TJ faltered, his head snapping towards Bently. The boy’s gaze filled with apprehension as the ball rolled off the court.

“Can we talk for a minute?” Bently asked, motioning towards the metal bench on the sidelines.

“Do I have a choice?” TJ didn’t move.

“Of course. But I hope you’ll hear me out.” Bently sat and waited.

TJ hesitated a moment longer, glancing around before he joined him.

“I owe you an apology,” Bently started.

TJ snorted.

“I never used you to get close to Belle. I liked playing ball with you and hanging out. I just happened to fall in love with your sister along the way.”

TJ jerked his head to face Bently, brows drawn together. “You got a fucked-up way of showing your love.”

“It . . . scared me,” Bently admitted. The only way he was going to win her back was to give her everything he’d kept inside.

“My tiny sister scared you?” TJ scoffed.

“Terrified is more like it. I was afraid I’d . . . mess it all up. I thought she’d leave me anyways once she saw I wasn’t . . . enough for her. That she’d want more someday and I’d never be able to give her that.”

TJ studied him.

“We found a picture in my truck the same day the blood was spilled all over it. The photograph was one of Belle and me. Someone is coming after me and I don’t want her caught in the crosshairs.”

TJ nodded. “You didn’t think she deserved to know?”
