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When I started noticing her in unbrotherly ways.

He’d needed the distance to get his deviant desires in check. His father would have killed him if he’d known the feelings for Emma that had risen in Link.

Link rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. And now it was worse. His lust left unchecked. After that night, some of the memories had returned in flashes. Enough that his cock would twitch with the reminder. And God, did they like to come at the most inconvenient times. Like when he tried to take someone home or when he was rubbing one out. No matter what buxom beauty he pulled up on his phone, the only woman who was forefront in his fantasies was the one person he couldn’t have. He’d had to stop masturbating because the shame of who he envisioned sucking him off had become too much.

This infatuation would end once he found someone else to set his sights on, just like it had with Rachel. Well, at least he thought it had worked.

Emma stirred beside him, sitting and rubbing her eyes. “Where are we?”

“Almost to the Indiana border.”

She reached for the bottle of water and drank it before yawning.

“Have a good nap?” he asked.

“Yes. The vibration of this beast always lulls me to sleep.” She laughed.

Or the fact that you didn’t get much last night.

“I can take a turn driving, you know?”

An image of her blond hair flowing behind her from the open window as she had her hands wrapped around the steering wheel, a confident hungry smile on her lips, popped into his mind. He gripped the wheel harder and shook his head. The last thing he needed was her having even more control over him. “Nah, I’d rather not crash.”

“Hey!” She punched his arm playfully. “I’ll have you know I’m a great driver. You should know. You taught me.”

“Maybe if you’re a good girl.” The words left his mouth in jest, but panic quickly riddled his body as silence descended upon the car. Damn it. He’d just made things awkward again.

“It’s way more fun to be bad these days.” Her voice was sultry, like a sex vixen had taken over her body.

Fuck, he wanted to pull this car over and teach her a lesson. He adjusted himself in his seat, hoping she wouldn’t see how hard his dick was. “What happened to the good little angel you used to be? Back when you and Remy thought going out to the backyard for a midnight snack of gummy worms counted as sneaking out. You went from that to a hellion pretty quick,” he said, trying to turn the conversation back to anything but sex.

“Hmmm. Well, for starters, I’m not fourteen anymore.” She laughed. “And you really don’t know me at all if you thought those were regular gummies.”

His gaze snapped to hers and then back to the road, his mouth hanging open. “No way . . . at fourteen?”

She burst out laughing. “Just the one time. And Remy had no idea what I was feeding her. I hated how out of control it made me feel. I quickly found I’d much rather relax in other ways.”

Images of grown-up Emma touching herself burned in his brain. Her hair splayed out over her perfect perky tits. His mouth watered, wanting to lick and suck them. Her hand would glide down her smooth stomach to the triangle between her thighs. One finger would dip inside as her eyes would flutter close. Her lips would part as she sucked in a gasp.

“Link, you’re too close!”

He snapped to reality and hit his brakes so as not to rear-end the slow driver in front of him. He checked his blind spots and switched lanes, passing them easily enough.

Link risked a quick glance towards Emma. A small smile split her pink lips like she knew why he’d been so distracted. He was fucked. She’d always been crass and blunt with sexual innuendo, and never in a million years had it affected him like this. He’d been grossed out when he happened to hear about her escapades, like any older brother should be.

“I heard the guitar last night,” Link said, hoping to steer the conversation back to safe ground.

Emma’s face paled. “You did?”

He checked his mirrors. “Couldn’t make out the words, but the music sounded good. New song?”

She swallowed and exhaled, her shoulders relaxing with the action. “Yeah, just something I’m playing around with.”

“You remember when I gave you your first guitar?”

He caught her smile from the corner of his eye. “Of course. I couldn’t ever forget that. All the nights spent practicing until my fingers screamed at me to stop. Dad loved it when we would play for him.”

“He sure did.”
