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“Watch out for her, son. She doesn’t have anybody else who loves her like us.” His father’s words took hold in his mind, digging in and cementing the truth that he and Emma could never be.



Emma rolled over, breathing in sandalwood and fir. She opened her eyes, searching for the man that scent belonged to. But she was alone in the dark motel room. The TV was off, and their takeout containers overflowed in the tiny garbage bin.

She closed her eyes and drew in a shaky breath as exhaustion hit her like a wall. Emma should get up and shower before they got back on the road, but she didn’t have the energy. She just wanted to lie here and sleep. At least in her dreams Link stayed and held her—wanted her. She’d taken a chance last night by lying against him. Starved for loving touch, Emma had taken what she could. Even if it wasn’t real. Even if it wouldn’t last. He’d made it clear to her that night didn’t mean anything to him.

Tears burned the back of her eyes at the hopelessness of her situation. “He’ll never love me like that. Move on.”

For now, she’d shove all of it down. She needed to focus on getting her father’s ashes to the Pacific Ocean. Then, after they got everything in order in Shattered Cove, she’d leave and never look back. At least not for a while. It was the only way to get over Link once and for all.

Knock. Knock.

“Going to get us breakfast and then we can head out. Can you be ready in twenty?” Link asked through the closed door.

She didn’t even bother rising from the bed as she shouted her answer. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

* * *

Several hours and the next state over, Emma swiped some lip gloss over her lips in the car mirror. Checking her mascara one more time, she put the makeup back in her bag. “Take a left here and park over there.” She pointed to Link.

He found a parking space and backed in before cutting the engine. “A karaoke bar?” His eyes narrowed on the blinking neon sign.

“They have the best burgers. Trust me.” She opened the door and climbed out, stretching her muscles after the long drive.

Link followed her into the building, stopping to glance at the autographed pictures of several popular musicians.

A brunette woman met them with a smile, holding up menus. “Party of two?”

“Yes. Could we have a table in the corner, please?” Emma asked, tugging down her baseball cap.

“Of course. Right this way.”

Link’s hand rested on the small of Emma’s back protectively as they followed the woman to a small table with a simple candle in a mason jar at the center. It was in the far back corner and more dimly lit than the rest of the room. Several square tables were scattered around the restaurant, most of them filled with patrons facing the stage where a man belted out Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.”

A bar was situated directly opposite the stage, on the other side of the room, with two mixologists working their way down the line. Both of them had handlebar mustaches that put the man on the Pringles can to shame.

The hostess set the menus in front of them. “Your waitress will be along shortly. Can I get you started with a cocktail?”

“Rum and Coke, please.” If Emma was going to get through the rest of the trip, she could use a little help.

“Do you have Sand Dune Brewery IPA here?” Link asked.

“We do.”

“That would be perfect,” Link said.

The hostess left them alone.

Emma smiled and shook her head.

“What?” Link questioned.

“Can take the man out of Shattered Cove but can’t take the Shattered Cove out of the man,” she teased.

He chuckled. “I like what I like.”
