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“You sound like Mr Vanciter from Newlands High. I didn’t obey him either. Find another word to make me interested.”


“Still not aroused enough,” she drawls, sipping her wine again.


“To what?”

“To doing as you’re told.”

“Tut, tut. If there’s one person in the world who won’t be doing as she’s told for a while it’s me, Gray.”

“Not even for entertainment?”

“No. Not for all the entertainment in the world. However,” She takes another sip of her drink, mulling her words over. “I might do as I’m told if I feel like it. What have you got to make me feel like doing as I’m told? The fact that you’re attractive enough to sleep with is not reason enough.”

I chuckle and lean against the window, sipping my own wine. I have nothing to offer her other than facts and rules, and they mean she needs to comply, behave, and listen to what I say to a degree. Not necessarily just for my benefit either.

“Ask me to do something for you.”

“Pour your wine on your highly expense carpet,” she says.

I tip my glass and pour instantly, not giving thought to the reason she asked that particular question. Although, I expected something more personal, sexual even. She doesn’t watch it land on the cream carpet. Neither do I. We’re looking at each other, no interest in the stain that’s forming beneath my feet.

“Take the robe from your shoulders,” I ask, dangling the upturned glass in my fingers.

She rolls her shoulders, gently moving one hand to loosen the tie around her waist. A veil of skin begins to show, her collarbone exposing inch by inch. It tantalises me in a way that her entire body exposed last night didn’t manage.

I watch the sheer fabric move, slipping further and further as she shrugs it quietly. Creamy, unblemished contours become a landscape to me, their hollows and shadows playing tricks with the light, until, eventually, she sits uncovered and unabashed in my presence.

She doesn’t speak as I gaze at her and take my time looking at something I usually deny myself. She sits proudly and watches me look at her, her hands out to the side rather than trying to cover herself. I let my eyes roam slowly, taking in the tight, dark nipples tempting me, the swell of the valleys and plains pulling me towards her.

“Will you be able to do that for me again, no matter the situation we’re in?” I ask.

“Maybe,” she says, as I walk closer to her.

“I need better than a maybe for where we’re going.”


“Rules. Obligations. Safety.”

“Do you want to lick them, Gray?”


“How long for? Tell me.”

My eyes crawl back up to hers again, thoughts turning from conversational to anything but. I pull in a long breath and stay steady in her presence, a terse smile on my face. It doesn’t matter how much I want to lick them. Nor does it matter how much she might want me to do it.

That’s not happening.

“Meet me in the lobby at ten tomorrow night. Bring an overnight bag.” I place the glass down on a table and walk for the door, eyes casting back at the stain on the floor before I leave. “And get that cleaned. The carpets, as you know, are expensive.”

“Fuck you.”

