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A laugh bursts out of me. Still the same Malachi. He smiles and pulls the back of my neck, yanking me into his hold. It’s a few seconds worth of embrace I’m happy to consider as worthwhile for once. “Could you get any fitter?” I mutter, feeling yet more solid muscles under his black shirt. He pulls back and holds my shoulders, patting one of them.

“It’s all the fucking. You should try it old man.” My eyes roll, arms shrugging themselves out of his hold.

“It’s barely two years difference, Malachi.”

He laughs and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cards and then shuffling them in his hands. “Are we gambling for her?”

“I didn’t come for card games.”

“You never do anymore.”

I shake my head and take my gaze to her again, my hands firmly lodged in my pockets rather than giving those old memories any consideration. Dillon’s moved in now. Less than a foot between them. No words. Neither of them need any here. She’s focused enough now to be showing him everything she wants from him without words involved. She’ll be able to hear his heartbeat soon enough, feel the weight of him on her even though they’re not touching yet. I can already feel her now the drugs are working through me, already hear her breathing, the sharp intakes making that yearning desire in me more profound.

“Striking,” Malachi says, looking at her with me.

I nod. She certainly is. Especially with this air around her and all the other bodies undulating. It’s as if she’s down there alone, though. Nothing around her seeming to alter her positon or knock her confidence in uniqueness. “She seems almost … sinister.” My lips creep into another smile, eyes caressing those hollows in her cheeks again. Sinister. It’s a good description of her near morbid outlook the last few days. Intriguing. “If we’re not gambling for her, I should go and introduce myself.”

“No, Malachi, you shouldn’t.”

“But Dillon can? I’m insulted.”

“Your idea of introduction is not what she’s here for.” They both move down there, her hips swaying to the heartbeat she can feel in him. “And Dillion’s normal. You’re not.”

“Well, I’m not insulted by that at least. Dillon’s too straight, anyway.”

I walk sideways, still keeping them in my view. One hand reaches for her, Dillon’s fingers gradually linking with her own. That chain’s still gripped tightly in her hand, though, as if she’s questioning what’s about to happen. She shouldn’t. This is exactly what she needs, and exactly what I want from her.

I move slowly down the sweeping staircase, keeping my gaze fixed on her and nothing else, and pull in several hurried short breaths to stimulate myself further. The drug floods me, instantly sharpening my instincts and binding me to the one thing I’m centred on for tonight – her.

By the time I’m down onto the main floor she’s following Dillon towards one of the back rooms. Good. Privacy will work for her first time. He’s not as foolish as I thought. He’ll get more out of her behind closed doors at the moment, feed her with the right words to bring her out of herself.

I switch directions and head back towards the viewing panels, eyes watching which room he’s aiming at. Nine. I smirk and grab hold of the stair rails, swinging my way around it to get there. Virginal my ass. There wasn’t a damn thing virginal about those words she said earlier, no virginal thoughts about sucking dick either.

“Desperate,” Malachi’s voice says.

“Fuck off,” I snap, pulling open the cage doors to get through. “Why are you still here?”

“I’m watching, too. It’s been a while since we had a new one.”

I yank on the door to room nine, swinging my gaze back to him before I enter and blocking his path. “Leave.”

“No. This is sensational. You’re fascinated with her.” My brow lifts, the laugh I’m trying to contain starting to break out. “You cannot deny me this, Gray. It’s been over a year since I’ve had any fun with you. All the rest are boring.”

“I can. And will.”

“I’ll get my drug supply elsewhere.”

“That’s a useless argument. You couldn’t get the amount I provide even if you wanted to.”


“Yes. Now leave. Go find other toys to break,” I snap, pushing him backwards and closing the door. “This one’s mine.”
