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I need Gray. No one else.

I twist my head again, as the momentum builds, trying to see him through the obscure panel in front of me. No view to see. Just black and the reflecting light showing me an image of myself being taken by this man. I watch my shoulders move at the same time as my tapping fingers, my mouth open as I wait for the orgasm to reach its peak. My legs widen, hips tilting my ass upwards for a better angle, and then it begins tunnelling through me slowly.

Everything in the room evaporates, as I let my own orgasm consume me. He’s coming in me.I can feel it pouring inside, no care for if it’s tainted or not. What does it matter? I’m a mess of grief and anger and despair, no interest in my own survival anymore. I’m just here, floating. I smile at that, amused with my self-indulging nature. Never thought I’d do this sort of thing. Never cared to think of it as an option. But here I am, a whore under a man I don’t know. All because of Gray Rothburg and his ways.

Or maybe it’s the drugs.

The man slides his length out of me and pulls my dress down, covering my exposed ass again in a muted show of chivalry. I laugh at that and right my body, feet bringing themselves back together slowly. Chivalry? Gray used that word – chivalrous. I half laugh again and turn around, looking this man over more than I did outside. Attractive. Educated in his tone of voice, regardless of his vicious words. He’s probably got money, all of it showing a man who’s well-mannered and courteous outside these walls, but this place isn’t meant for chivalry, nor is my mind with this pill governing my thoughts. I don’t care for chivalry or valour at this time. I care only for what I’m whimsically involving my mind and body in.

I can’t feel him anymore. Can’t hear his heartbeat or sense the vibration of him that I felt outside. It’s like he’s dead. Empty. It was there, though. Tempting me, pulling me into him. And then it changed, died. I heard a new heartbeat after that, a new sound rumbling along with my own and overwhelming my thoughts. The glass panel. I look at it, wondering if Gray felt it, too.

“Thank you,” the man says.

Thank you? What an honest thing to say. I look back at him and stare, bemused by the look of him and what we’ve just done. He threads his belt into the buckle, his fingers nimbly putting himself back together. “Who does that belong to?” he asks, nodding at my wrist.

I look down at the chain dangling from it and pick it up, looping the thin strand of gold back into my grip.Gray. “Why does that matter?”

He looks confused at my question, his lips quirking into the first smile I’ve seen from him. I don’t care if he’s confused or not. In fact, I don’t care about him at all, and my feet walking me to my panties prove it. I slip them on, no interest in the fact that he’s watching me do it, and then leave the room without looking back at him.

The heat hits me again the moment I’m outside the room, loud sounds coming back into my ears. A deep bass rumbles through the whole area, changing my thoughts from the silence I was in. Silence was an attempt at chivalrous and valiant, but I want flamboyant now. Vulgar even. I want fingers on me and in me that fuck without thought or decency.

A smile spreads over my face, as I cut through the crowds again in search of the next distraction, my veins humming with the drug inside. Smells, sounds, visions. These marks on my skin from the fucking I just took. I’m bombarded by a new life waiting. Chivalry or not, this is where I lose myself, and I need more. My blood needs more heat, more touch. More everything.

I watch a man in a tuxedo hitting a woman’s ass, as her mouth crawls down another man’s exposed chest. She seems so enthralled. Lost in her moment. Her fingers work at the man’s pants, unzipping and pushing them over is hips. My breath eases in and out at the sight, slowing from the more hasty intakes I had while that man fucked me. I’m not lost here, maybe she isn’t either. We’re mesmerised by it all, our eyes taking in every sight and scent. It’s all freedom and liberty, no care for the world outside. Lost would mean something we didn’t want. I want it all. And I want Gray with me while I do it, want his cruel eyes and his unamused face near me.

On me.

The music suddenly changes, the cut of a new song interrupting my meandering mood. I smile at the soft chant of a waltz, almost snickering at the sound with all the overindulgence around me. People move in my view, all of them forgetting what moment they’re in and grasping hold of a partner. And then the floor starts to spin. I look at it, then sharply upwards at large ball like lights spinning above. The floor isn’t moving, the people are. All of them. They swing round the room in a unison of waltzing, perfectly poised in their movements.

Another giggle bursts out of me. I can’t help it. All these people, hundreds of them smiling and laughing as they sway around a room in a dance. There’s an excess of pink clothes. Some suits and long ball gowns. Tight black rubber outfits, some with collars around their throats and wrists. Hands clasped, fingers poised on shoulders. Leather and lace everywhere, and yet they’re dancing an old fashioned ballroom dance.

“What is this place?” murmurs out of me.

It’s heaven and hell, a nirvana of fantasy and exploration.

I giggle again, spinning my own feet, and stare upwards at the lights again. They bounce and glisten in time to the waltz, the very fabric of the room vibrating and shaking. I can feel it under my heels like I felt the screen under my hands earlier, feel it boring into me. I want to dance, need to. I’ll find a partner and swing to the vibrations, fall into whatever hysteria I’m in.


I turn slowly and look at Gray, head tilted at his features. They’re so dark and torrid under these lights around us. Stormy and bleak. I lose myself in them for a while, no conversation in the way of our gaze. He smiles. It’s only a slight lift of his lips, barely removing the look of anger he carries so well, but I know that smile. I can feel it on me, in me. I can feel the vibration of his body all over me, the lack of actual contact irrelevant. I watch the air move around his smile, my hand reaching to swish it around his face. It blurs and changes, morphing the background into nothing but indistinct colours twirling and moving behind him. I’m spinning. Or the room is. I giggle and look at him some more, enjoying the view.

“You watched me,” I state.


“Did you enjoy it?”


The floor keeps revolving around us, people’s faces blurring behind him, but he doesn’t move, doesn’t change his stance at all as I ask questions. It’s just us two now. No one else but a cycle of air spinning around us, blurred colours and sounds.

“Did you feel me like I felt you?”



A sigh sweeps through me, my whole body exhaling in a relief I’m not sure I understand. It loosens the last remnants of confusion in me, making this place seem more wonderful than it was a few minutes earlier. We’ll live here. Stay. Relax and enjoy.Yes.Nothing other than that word. Yes, he felt me. Yes, he was with me. We were together, regardless of that other man or that screen between us. “What do you want me to do next?”
