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At that moment, Evanna stepped out of the entrance to the kitchen and faced him, and their gazes locked.

There was utter silence, then Fraser said, “Evanna,” and his face broke into a wide grin.

As usual, Evanna was mesmerized by the effect of his blue eyes, and slowly, almost against her will, she smiled.

The expression on her face had the usual result on him as he felt his body tighten and heat up. Thank God he was wearing a long tunic over his kilt today!

Evanna, too, was experiencing the first pangs of arousal, the sweet pulse and ache in her secret place, and she almost knocked Lexie over in her haste to rush into Fraser’s arms.

He welcomed her into his powerful embrace as he laughed his deep, rich laugh, then she buried her head in his chest and sighed. He smelled of Fraser, a scent that she would recognize anywhere. It was a mixture of fresh sweat, earth, and leather, but more than that, it was the sweet aroma of safety, shelter, and love.

This is paradise,Evanna thought, paying no heed to the fact that three pairs of women’s eyes were looking on eagerly as Fraser bent his head to hers. She neither knew nor cared if the whole world was watching. Fraser’s lips were on hers, her tongue was tangling with his, and his fresh-trimmed beard was rasping gently against her cheeks, making her skin tingle.

One of his hands held on to the back of her head and the other cupped her bottom, pulling her hips against him so that she was intensely aware of the effect she was having on him, the same one that he was having on her.

Evanna wanted to take Fraser’s hand and run out the door to somewhere they could be private and alone, but as they drew apart, still smiling, she realized that he had exactly the same idea.

Fraser could not believe he was here, talking to Evanna and having her in his arms again. It seemed as if he was dreaming, but as his lips left hers, she spoke to him softly and ran her hand down the smooth surface of his beard.

“Ye came back,” she murmured. “I thought ye were gone forever. I thought ye might be dead. I didn’t think I would see ye again.”

There was a lump in his throat as he looked down into her deep green eyes. “Ye will always see me every time ye open yer eyes, sweetheart.” Then he shocked her as he put both hands around her waist and slung her, half-squealing and half-laughing, over his shoulder.

She pummeled his back with her fists, but he only laughed.

“Where are we goin’?” she demanded, giggling.

“Somewhere private,” he answered. “Just ye an’ me.

“An’ ye are goin’ tae carry me a’ the way?” She sounded doubtful.

He laughed. “Ye don’t think I am strong enough?”

Evanna giggled and thumped him on his back with her fist. “So where are we goin’?” she asked again.

“Where would ye like tae go?” Fraser was laughing, enjoying her frustration.

“Anywhere with ye,” she said tenderly.

Fraser pulled her back over his shoulder so that she slid down the length of his body, then he kissed her again, gently, before leading her into the church, which was nearly always quiet during the daytime.

There was a deep stillness in the place, and the echo of many prayers that had been said there seemed to linger in it. It was completely bare of all furniture and ornament except for a lectern and rows of pews. Evanna wondered if they would marry here—if he asked her.

Fraser sat down and pulled Evanna onto his lap, then set her head on his shoulder. They sat in perfect peace for a little while before he sighed, his chest rising and falling with his breath. “I am sorry I took so long tae come and see ye, Evanna,” he said softly. “I needed tae ask the laird’s leave tae come an’ marry ye, an’ he took his time givin’ me his answer. And tae tell ye the truth, I was a wee bit scared. This feelin’—love—it is so…it takes ye over. I should have let ye know I was no’ dead, though.”

Evanna laughed softly. “It does,” she agreed. “I had always heard people talkin’ about it but I had never felt it before. It is like somethin’ has washed me clean, Fraser. I cannot describe it.”

“But ye can feel it,” he murmured. “An’ show it, Evanna.” He kissed the top of her head. “Rowan would have attacked the Mulhollands as well had I not managed tae seek out the laird in time, an’ for that, I have tae thank ye because ye saved me. Evanna, what would I do without ye?”

Evanna raised her head and met the gaze of his sky-blue eyes again. “The same as I would do without ye,” she replied as she caressed his lower lip with the pad of her thumb. “Ye would live an’ go on livin’. But I do not want tae live without ye. Do ye want tae be a guard forever?”

He shook his head. “I never wanted tae be a soldier at all,” he confessed. “My mother got wi’ child out o’ wedlock. I don’t have tae tell ye what happened tae her.” He paused, collecting himself. “My mother managed tae get a position as a kitchen maid, an’ I worked around the castle doin’ odd jobs.

“Then, when I was fifteen, the captain o’ the guard said that since I was a big, strong lad, I should seek a position in the laird’s castle guard. I didn’t want tae do it but my mother wanted tae see my future secured, an’ as long as there were no disagreements between the clans, it was usually quite safe. I had no idea the danger would come from inside my own ranks.” He sat staring into space for a moment, then shook his head and looked back at her before drawing her further into his embrace, sighing with contentment. “I have never had any special desire tae be a warrior. It just happened. I’m good at it.”

“My father will die soon,” Evanna said sadly. “I don’t wish tae think about it, but it is a certainty. I could look after the tavern with Lexie, but there are times when we need another strong man about the place to keep the drunks in order an’ throw them out when we have tae. I have two already, but they are no’ enough. We need someone else too.” She looked up at him pleadingly. “Would ye stay here wi’ me? Work in the tavern?”

He chuckled softly. “Oh, sweetheart.” His voice was infinitely tender. “Do ye not know that I would do anythin’ ye want me tae? If ye wanted tae fly tae the moon, I would go wi’ ye.” He cupped her face in his hands and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “I would be happy to live an’ work in the tavern as long as ye are there.”

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