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At that moment, nothing could have stopped Fraser from sweeping Evanna off her feet and into his arms, and a great cheer went up as he kissed her thoroughly in front of everyone. However, in his haste, he realized that he had forgotten the ring. He set Evanna down in front of him, knelt down on one knee, and slid it onto her finger. It fitted perfectly, and her eyes widened as she looked at it in amazement.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister said joyfully, and Fraser drew Evanna into his arms again, his blue eyes even brighter with love.

When they had kissed yet again, he untied the knotted cord and smiled at her. They could not speak to each other properly amidst all the cheers and backslapping, but Fraser somehow managed to lean down and whisper in his wife’s ear, “After dinner, be ready tae run!”

Evanna giggled and nodded.

They suffered through the wedding feast, and although both of them would have slipped away to be alone as soon as they could, Evanna knew the amount of effort and love that had gone into the preparation of the food. She did not have the heart to spoil the occasion, so while the celebrations were going on around them, she and Fraser fizzed with impatience until all the food had been eaten and all the toasts had been drunk.

They were waiting for the right moment to slip away when Lexie approached them. “Come with me,” she whispered to Evanna as she took her arm and led her outside. She turned to smile at her. “They will think nothing of ye going outside with me, and I will send Fraser out in a while. I wish ye every joy in the world, my darling wee girl, but I know many lasses are frightened on their wedding night. Though I have no experience of what is about tae happen tae ye, I know that ye have a very gentle and kind man there who will never hurt ye.” Lexie’s eyes were full of tears as she hugged Evanna.

“Ye have been like a mother tae me, Lexie,” Evanna said huskily. “Thank ye for all ye have done for me.”

“Go well, Evanna,” she said, then hurried back inside.

Fraser appeared just then. Evanna opened her arms and welcomed him into them for a long, lingering kiss that left them both tingling with desire.

When they drew apart, Fraser smiled down at her tenderly. “Well, Evanna McLachlan, is it no’ time ye became my wife?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

“Indeed it is,” she answered, smiling. “Where are we goin’?” She was puzzled as he led her to his horse and lifted her up to sit sideways on the saddle in front of him. “I thought we were goin’ tae stay in the tavern tonight.”

“Well, it is far too noisy in the tavern,” he answered, his eyes twinkling, “so I made other plans.”

“What other plans?” she asked suspiciously.

“Wait an’ see,” he replied with a mischievous grin.

They rode on at a slow walk, and although Fraser was almost bursting with frustrated desire, he managed to hide it for the duration of the short ride to Burntstane Castle.

“We are going tae the castle?” Evanna asked in disbelief.

Fraser grinned. “I told ye I had made other plans,” he told her. “Laird Gilchrist has graciously given us a room for our weddin’ night.”

The stablehands congratulated them warmly as they left the horse in their care and went inside. Evanna had never set foot inside a castle before and was awed by its size and the style and complexity of its architecture.

Just then, the laird himself came out to meet them. Walking toward them, he took Evanna’s hand then bowed and kissed her knuckles. “Congratulations, Mistress McLachlan!” he said warmly, smiling and bowing to her. “I am so sorry I could not attend the ceremony, but I had some urgent business that could not wait. I hope you will enjoy my hospitality.”

“Thank ye so much for lettin’ us stay taenight, M’Laird,” Evanna said gratefully as she curtsied to him. She was still recovering from the shock of a man touching her hand with his lips.

The laird flicked a man-to-man glance at Fraser before he said, “It was my pleasure, madam. I have provided wine, ale, and whiskey for your pleasure, but if there is anything else you need, please let me know and it will be provided. You only have one wedding night, after all. Goodnight to you both.” He bowed again and then left, summoning a maid to show them to their room.

The young woman opened the door and bade them goodnight. Then, before Evanna could say another word, Fraser swept her off her feet and carried her inside the bedchamber.

As he set her down on her feet, she looked around in wonder, never having seen such luxury before. The room was quite simply breathtaking. There was a fireplace in the corner, two wooden chairs, and three paintings that were decorating the walls.

Evanna’s eyes were wide with astonishment and admiration. Every piece of furniture was intricately carved from mahogany polished to such a high shine that they almost mirrored the brilliant hues of the blossoms. Each occasional table held a six-branch candelabra, and there were two more on the marble mantelpiece. However, it was the bed that drew Evanna’s attention.

It was huge! Every inch of the head and footboard was intricately carved with the clan’s crest badge.

“I have never seen anythin’ so lovely!” she breathed, shaking her head in wonder.

“Neither have I,” Fraser said huskily as he moved toward her. It was clear that he did not mean the bed, however, since his eyes gleamed with wicked intent. He drew her toward him, and for a moment he did no more than hold her against the hard warmth of his body, loving the feel of her body against his.

With his strong arms around her and his steady heartbeat against her ear, Evanna had never felt so cherished and loved. She could have stood in his embrace for hours, but as she felt the long ridge of his arousal pressed against her, she knew that she could not keep either of them waiting any longer. She was desperate for him.

She raised her head and breathed against his mouth, “I love ye, my big, strong man.”

He smiled into her eyes, then ran his hands down the glossy curtain of her hair. She smelled of lavender and woman, a scent that intoxicated him beyond words.
