Page 144 of Seduced

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“Ohmigod, don’t say that!” Tony cried. Why had the possibility never occurred to her?

“Let’s have a look at you.”

Antonia lay down and helped Roz remove her bandages. The gashes were ugly, but whatever Savage had put on them had already begun its work of healing. They were now not much worse than heavy scratches. There was no sign of infection.

Roz gently washed them and patted them dry. “They’ve already begun to scab over. I think we should let the air at them. What do you think?”

“I think you are right as always,” Tony replied.

“In that case I think you’d better marry Indian Savage. He’s far too wealthy a catch to let him escape.”

“I don’t love him for his money!” Antonia flared.

“Then you do love him?” Roz asked.

“No! The answer is no! I don’t love him and I won’t marry him.”

“Have it your way, darling. You usually do,” Roz said lightly.

When she left Antonia’s room, Roz went in search of Eve. She found her bedchamber easily by the steady stream of house servants running to and fro. Her daughter was propped up in bed with a breakfast tray across her knees. “Could I have a private word, Eve?”

Her daughter banished the servants with an imperative hand, then glanced at her with cool condescension.

“You do that so well. You must have had slaves in an earlier life,” Roz said dryly.

“Don’t be tiresome, Mother,” Eve said sweetly.

“Tired, my dear, not tiresome. I hope you’re ready for a few home truths. Eve, I’m tired of shouldering your responsibilities. Motherhood didn’t suit you very well, so you cast the twins aside like so much unwanted baggage. I don’t believe you loved Russell, and I don’t see any evidence you ever loved the children, because you have always been totally wrapped up in yourself. I venture to say that up till now you’ve been a wretched failure. But, Eve, you are one of the most fortunate women in the world. You have a second chance. How many of us have the chance of redemption?”

“What do you mean?” Eve’s cheeks were flushed a dull red.

Roz’s face set with determination. Her voice was harsh and implacable. “You will go to Antonia and you will convince her that you and Adam Savage were never intimate.”

A low knock came on the door. Roz opened it to find Mr. Burke. He had very thoughtfully returned to Government House to bring everything the ladies would need.

“Faddy Burke, I love you.” Roz squeezed his hand in gratitude.

“And I love you, too, ma’am,” Mr. Burke said sincerely as he lifted the trunk into Eve’s bedroom.

Chapter 46

Eve stared at the closed door for five full minutes after they had departed.So, they think they have a monopoly on love, do they? How dare they accuse me of not loving my children?She flung open the lid of her trunk to search for something that would make her look motherly.

There was nothing, of course, but after much deliberation she ignored the silk chiffon and chose a plain linen morning gown. It took her an hour to do her face and hair, then she slipped along to Antonia’s chamber.

Her daughter was standing at the window with unseeing eyes. She wore a loose calico wrapper whose brilliant native pattern of blues, greens, and gold showed off her dark beauty to perfection. Eve finally admitted she had never shown her daughter affection because she knew her beauty would one day far surpass her own. That day had arrived.

As Tony whirled to face her mother, her hair spread out in a silken cloud of black curls, her generous mouth formed into a lovely O of surprise, and her wide-set green eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

“Are you feeling recovered?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Are you up to a mother-and-daughter chat?”

“Not really, Mother—”

“Antonia,” Eve beseeched, “give me another chance?”

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