Page 97 of Seduced

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To go away and sin no more;

Or if that effort be too great,

To go away at any rate.

Tony chuckled, then perused the next pamphlet.

Give the devil his due, she’s a prime bit of stuff

And for flesh she has got in all conscience enough.

He’ll never need pillows to keep up his head

Whilst old Q and himself sleep and snore in one bed.

’tis pleasant at seasons to see how they sit,

First cracking their nuts, and then cracking their wit;

Then quaffing their claret—then mingling their lips,

Or tickling the fat about each other’s hips.

“Oh, that’s absolutely brilliant,” Tony said, laughing. “Are you sure you didn’t write this, Sherry?”

Sherry winked. “No, by God, but I wouldn’t be surprised if our limerick friend didn’t earn a few bob, knocking these off.”

Dan Mackinnon said, “Maria does have big dumplings. I think that’s the attraction.”

“Dumplings?” Sherry protested. “They’re more like hot-air balloons.”

As Tony looked about the coffeehouse, she saw that every man present wore an elaborate powdered wig. She suddenly remembered she’d brought a vast supply of wigs and Venetian talc for sale in London, but for all she knew they were still in the hold of theFlying Dragon.She had no choice but to pay Adam Savage a visit.

“Well, I’m off,” Tony said, pushing her chair back from the table.

“Wouldn’t be our friend if you weren’t,” punned Sherry.

“Will we see you at the fight tomorrow night at Marybone public gardens near the Oxford Road?” Mackinnon asked.

“Perhaps,” Tony replied. “Boxing matches aren’t really up my alley.”

“Oh, this one’s different. Mrs. Stokes, a female fighter, is attracting enormous crowds.”

Sherry shook his head sadly. “What the hell is wrong with females today that makes them want to imitate males?”

“It’s beyond me, Sherry,” Tony replied, but she knew her cheeks were flying red flags.

When Tony ran up the front steps of Half-Moon Street to ring the bell, the door was opened by a very smart butler. “Oh, hello, I’m Tony Lamb. I’ll show myself up.”

“Indeed you will not, young sir. The master is busy with his secretary at the moment. Perhaps another time would be more convenient.”

Tony bristled and was about to push her way past the servant when a daunting thought came to her. Perhaps Savage had a woman with him and the butler was being discreet. She certainly wouldn’t want to find him in flagrante delicto, but it would be her very great pleasure to interrupt him.

“Mr. Savage is my guardian as well as my business partner in a shipping venture. I’m sure if you announce me, he’ll immediately cease whatever he’s doing to attend to me.”

“Very well, sir. Kindly wait in the receiving room.”

In a few minutes the butler returned. “Mr. Savage will see you in his office, Lord Lamb.”
