Page 43 of Love at Meg's Diner

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“Yeah, she gets that a lot. But unlike any females I’ve known, she doesn’t get offended by it.”

Tyler laughed at that.

The two guys shook hands. “She’s beautiful.” Tyler slowly put his hand toward Dottie who happily sniffed, then proceeded to saturate his hand with kisses.

“Ugh. Sorry.” Chet handed him a napkin.

“It’s okay. I love dogs.”

“I’m here for my weekly coffee date with my sister but you’re welcome to join us. She should be out here any minute with the best almond croissant you’ve ever tasted in your life.”

“I appreciate that,” Tyler said, mopping his hands, “but I’m headed on a run with Drew, and he asked me to meet him here.”

Chet turned to see Eva as she backed through the door to the bakery, a plate in one hand and a coffee in the other. She tripped when she saw Tyler, but recovered and made her way to the table, placing both items in front of Chet.

“Hey, Sis.”

“Are you okay?” Tyler asked.

“Totally fine.” She wiped her hands on her apron and sat down.

Was she blushing? Maybe it was just the sun on her cheeks.

Drew jogged up just then and smacked Tyler on the back. “You ready to go?” He turned to Chet and Eva. “Hey, you two.”

“Hey, Drew.” Chet lifted his hand for a fist bump.

Eva said nothing. Just waved.

“We need to get going,” Drew said. “We have weight training as well today, and I have to get Casey from school after that.”

“Don’t let us keep you.” Chet waved them on.

“Good to see you,” Tyler said and patted Dottie once more. He turned to Eva and smiled. “Both of you.”

If Eva hadn’t been blushing before, she sure was now. Her face turned crimson as she waved good-bye.

She let out a huge breath.

“What’s with you?” Chet asked as he took a big bite of pastry.

“What are you talking about?” She fussed with her hair, taking it out of a clip, twisting it, and clipping it again.

“You’ve gone mute both times Tyler has been around.”

“I have not.”

Chet took a sip of coffee. “Yeah. You have.”

Eva looked in the direction Drew and Tyler had run. “Well, he’s just…just…I don’t know!”

Chet shrugged. “I can see how he could be intimidating, but he’s really nice.”

His sister shifted in her seat as if his niceness rattled her as much as his size. “Neither of us is here to talk about…whatever. We need to address Dad and Mom.”

The coffee in Chet’s stomach turned sour. With things going so well with Meg, he hadn’t given much thought to his parents potentially moving to Silver Bay. Not that it wasn’t important to him, he just knew that whatever their decision, it wouldn’t happen immediately. There was time to think things through.

“I’ve been talking to Angelica,” Eva began. “She said that Dad is still acting as if everything is fine, but Mom insists it would be good for them to make a change.”
